This is like a bad rerun.
Second time I've heard tRump declare how much he loves farmers. He did that in his first term, too.
This time, he says it in reference to grocery prices, like he thinks farmers set food prices in grocery (you know, the place tRump invented) stores. Like, if he sweet talks them--or threatens them--he can make prices drop.
This asshole bragged that he won over groceries. He's gonna be so shocked when he discovers he can't fix that.
tRump seems to be following a script from his first term. Not sure why he thinks it will be beneficial for him to threaten our neighbors like that. He's not the pRes yet. He's so damned ignorant, he's an embarrassing bully. Know the truth here: he doesn't give a rat's ass about us, about grocery prices, or anything that doesn't directly benefit himself. He's here to save himself from jail, and to rake in the money.
The optics of ABC settling with him over reporting, of Trudeau and others resigning in response to his bullying, are very bad, indeed. This is the Revenge Tour. Anybody who would sue a pollster over her job is pathetic, indeed. But, as long as he can shovel KFC and McDonald's into his own mouth, he's gonna continue. What a shame that so many thought he would protect them.
I hope he doesn't eff with the farmers. Leave them alone. Farming is a tough and gritty job. They don't need extra worry. He isn't likely to go somewhere and plow a field for the photo op. That would be real work.