Current Congressional OMNIBUS Bill 12.18.2024
Dear DUers:
Some fellow over at xitter used AI/LLM to analyze the current text in congress that they're supposed to pass before they can go home for Christmas.
It kicks the can until March 2025.
You can read the entire thread at the thread reader page. I saved the complete text for personal use. I suggest doing the same as the threads sometimes disappear if you think you can bookmark it here and get to it later.
I have not evaluated this for accuracy.
It may be incomplete. But I might give general ideas as to what is in the bill.
OMNIBUS LLM Breakdown Part 1. @DOGE
This starts on page 150 of the bill. Pages 1-150 are the last comment in the thread.
The bill is so big the LLM could barely handle it.
Department of Defense (Pages 1-50)
Military Personnel:Army Military Personnel: $50,041,206,000
Navy Military Personnel: $45,876,321,000
Air Force Military Personnel: $48,923,567,000
Marine Corps Military Personnel: $21,458,900,000