Family returns headdress of famous Lakota chief Spotted Tail that it kept in a suitcase in the closet
Source: msn /The Independent
As Americans gather with families to celebrate Thanksgiving, a holiday rooted in the countrys long, complicated history with its Indigenous people, a remarkable artifact has been on a complex journey of its own.
A stunning eagle feather headdress that once belonged to Chief Spotted Tail (Sinte Gleska), an influential 19th-century Brule/Sicangu Lakota leader, has been returned to the chiefs descendants, who in turn are hoping to preserve the artifacts for public display.
A different family, the Newells, first came to possess the artifacts, including the headdress, a bison horn, and a lock of braided hair, under unclear circumstances in the 1870s, when relative Major Cicero Newell, an Indian agent for the federal government, was serving in whats now South Dakota.
A century and a half later, his descendants held onto the heirlooms, storing the headdress in a suitcase in a closet in smalltown Washington. In 2020, they set about trying to return the artifacts. James Newell, 77, connected with John Spotted Tail, a descendant of Chief Spotted Tail, and chief of staff to the tribal president of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe. John Spotted Tail drove across the country to reclaim the objects.
Read more:
Some pics from here - After Five Generations, a Family Gave Back the Treasures in Its Closet (no paywall version)

A headdress made of eagle feathers is among the heirlooms passed down through generations of the Newell family. Several years ago, they decided to repatriate it.Credit...Tara Weston for The New York Times

The headdress will become part of a display at the South Dakota State Historical Society.Credit...Tara Weston for The New York Times

Think. Again.
(21,614 posts)The U.S. nonetheless facilitated mining expeditions into the Black Hills. Once gold was discovered there, miners moved onto Sioux hunting grounds and sought protection from the U.S. Army, and the U.S. government eventually confiscated the Black Hills in 1877, according to the National Archives."
(1,900 posts)... the United States has broken every treaty it ever made with the Native Nations (Is that a permissible term? I do not wish to offend.) A pretty sorry record that does not instill trust.
(25,836 posts)looking to find a place to place a fort..........
In 1874, Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer led the Black Hills Expedition to explore the Black Hills and investigate the area's natural resources:
Map the area: Custer was tasked with mapping the Black Hills, which were previously uncharted.
Find a military post site: Custer was ordered to locate a suitable place for a new military fort.
Explore for gold: Custer was to investigate the possibility of gold in the area.
Find a new route: Custer was to seek a new route to the south.
The expedition included:
The 7th Cavalry
110 wagons
70 Indian scouts
Four reporters
Two gold miners
A scientific corps
Custer's favorite Indian scout, Bloody Knife
The expedition set out from Fort Abraham Lincoln, Dakota Territory on July 2, 1874. Custer and his men arrived in the Black Hills on July 22, 1874.
The expedition's discovery of gold in the Black Hills led to a mass gold rush that violated the 1868 Treaty of Fort Laramie. This violation antagonized the Sioux Indians, who had been promised protection of their sacred land by the US government. The Sioux Indians later killed Custer at the Battle of the Little Big Horn in 1876.
So General Alfred Terry ..................
ordered Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer to lead the Black Hills Expedition in 1874:
On June 8, 1874, Terry gave Custer written orders to explore the Black Hills with his 7th Cavalry. The expedition's goal was to find a suitable location for a new military fort.
Custer spent a few weeks at Fort Lincoln, Dakota Territory preparing for the expedition. His expedition included 1,000 soldiers, 110 wagons, 70 Indian scouts, four reporters, and two gold miners.
Custer was told that he would lead the expedition, but only under Terry's direct supervision. However, Custer told Terry's chief engineer that he would operate independently.
(1,900 posts)... an ego with hair.
(25,836 posts)GiqueCee
(1,900 posts)... and that attitude toward the original inhabitants of this continent persists to this day. A sad commentary on our nation's progress toward enlightenment. Oh, we'll get there, but not with any help from the likes of Trump and his idiot minions. They will all be an eternal stain on the nation's character. But, hey, nobody's perfect, right? At least some of us try to rise above previous stains, and even to make amends. That's more than any Republican would ever do.
(25,836 posts)The Largest Mass Execution in US History
On December 26, 1862, following the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862, the federal government hanged 38 members of the Dakota tribe in Minnesota. It was the largest mass execution in United States history.
Two days after the Dakota surrendered at Camp Release on September 26, 1862, a military commission began trying Dakota men accused of participating in the war. The rapid trialssome no more than five minutesof 392 prisoners were completed in November. According to the Minnesota Historical Society, 303 men were sentenced to death and 16 received prison terms.
After reviewing the trial transcripts, President Abraham Lincoln provided a list of 39 names of prisoners to be executed. One received a last minute reprieve. On the morning of December 26, 1862, in front of an estimated crowd of 4,000 spectators and on a specially constructed mass-hanging scaffold, the men were executed. They were left dangling from the scaffold for a half hour.
(1,900 posts)... to the cesspool of treachery. But what we're looking at with the scum about to take over is next-level shit.
(25,836 posts)From the US Supreme Court and especially the senate
They had the opportunity not once but twice to remove him and his treason permanently and the media failed to keep asking those assholes why and to remind the public
Then the killer of this entire BS was when the US Supreme Court did not remove him from a fucking ballot in was party over country with there lame ass excuse of BS legalese
And then to add further insult to this shit show............ is Citizens United and this dickwad getting the play book form Victor Orban on how to become a despot and then nominating from his narcissism deviant mind more deviants of a sex crimes he might as well produce a magazine every month...............JFC...............
(1,900 posts)... I share your sentiments.
(25,836 posts)next 1460 days..........not including the days after the election ...........JFC........
(1,900 posts)... is the difficulty of enlightening people, of getting through to them with a clear, concise message that explains what's really happening. Too many will find out the hard way, but it is decisions they made that enabled vile people to usurp their rights. People so ignorant that they didn't even know that Obamacare which they were told to hate is is just a pejorative name for the Affordable Care Act, which is just fine a dandy with them. As the comedian, Ron White so sagely observed, ya can't fix stupid.
(25,836 posts)they should have and could have confronted like the Van Orden dude.........lets go out to California we will pay for the plane ticket and see immigrants picking the strawberries you eat.........and then ask the asshole lets see you pick those berries for 5 days from sun up to sun down...........and then get back with us ..........I am on SS and Medicare............and if they come after those two life lines...........I hope every fucking MAGA senior gets asked now what do you think and not go up and ask some maga senior that they are happy to have the advantage know take more out of the fixed income......and then possibly get denied because of a pre-existing condition have less.........the media failed the public when they used the Obama name.......JFC
(1,900 posts)... corporatists. Corporatists are the infantry of predatory capitalism. Capitalism is the control and manipulation of capital MONEY and is in no way synonymous with free enterprise. It is, in fact, the antithesis of free enterprise, which the corporatists thwart at every opportunity.
Corporatism is what Benito Mussolini preferred to call his form of government, the collusion of Big Business and Big Government to consolidate power which is shorthand for total dominion over the lives of others to establish Feudalism 2.0, which is already a reality, but the dominion part is not total... yet.
Hassin Bin Sober
(26,944 posts)ChazInAz
(2,852 posts)In my opinion, there needs to be a large delegation of voting members from the First Nations in both houses of Congress. (I have no dog in this fight, not being Native American. )
mountain grammy
(27,576 posts)Think. Again.
(21,614 posts)snot
(10,967 posts)I just finished reading a book, 1491 ( ), which while extremely readable provides a great depth and breadth of info about pre-Columbian peoples, politics, and cultures in the Americas.
These populations and civilizations were far more populous and sophisticated than I think most of us realize.