Trudeau promised Trump tougher border controls, says top Canada official
Source: Reuters
December 1, 20243:14 PM ESTUpdated 14 min ago
OTTAWA, Dec 1 (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised President-elect Donald Trump that Canada would toughen controls over the long undefended joint border, a senior Canadian official said on Sunday.
Trudeau flew to Florida on Friday to have dinner with Trump, who has promised to slap tariffs on Canadian imports unless Ottawa prevents migrants and drugs from crossing the frontier. Canada sends 75% of all goods and services exports to the United States and tariffs would badly hurt the economy.
Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc, who sat at the head table with Trudeau and Trump, said the two men discussed additional security measures Canada would be introducing. "We're going to look to procure, for example, additional drones, additional police helicopters, we're going to redeploy personnel ... we believe that the border is secure," he told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.
"It's important, I think, to show Canadians and the Americans that we're stepping up in a visible and muscular way, and that's exactly what we're going to do," he added, promising more details in the days and weeks to come. Canada, he said, would continue to make the case that tariffs would damage both nations, given how interconnected the two economies are.
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(10,557 posts)Montauk6
(8,926 posts)The Madcap
(1,023 posts)From T****. From the numbers I have seen, the number of people crossing south from Canada is less than 1/10th that crossing from Mexico. Maybe T**** just wants Canada to build a wall to prevent escapes from the U.S.
(65,545 posts)kelly1mm
(5,642 posts)Irish_Dem
(65,545 posts)And he is getting what he wants.
(5,642 posts)Irish_Dem
(65,545 posts)Probably best not to think about that part of it.
(97,964 posts)moniss
(6,704 posts)FakeNoose
(36,829 posts)For example, Chump will never be allowed into Canada because he's a convicted felon.
(5,642 posts)sentencing which under NY law would vacate the conviction and President Trump would no longer be a felon. 2) I can almost guarantee President Trump will be in Canada sometime between January 2025 and January 2029 at some type of bilateral/multilateral summit/conference.
Xipe Totec
(44,254 posts)LisaL
(47,113 posts)It seems like it would be the other way around.
(5,642 posts)citizens granted entry into Canada on student visas who really just want to cross into the USA.
Here is a link to a story about it:
(159,627 posts)ForgoTheConsequence
(5,001 posts)I enjoy the relatively painless process of flying into Toronto from the states.
(119,940 posts)I wouldn't want Trump coming in my country if I were them.
(3,015 posts)Canadian officials were planning to add patrols, buy new vehicles and set up emergency reception facilities at the border between New York State and the province of Quebec in preparation for a surge of undocumented migrants following Donald Trumps promised mass deportation program. Basically the Canadian PM personally updated the President-elect on what Trumpf's staffers could have easily informed him.
"From Oct 2023 to Sep 2024, more than 19,300 undocumented migrants were apprehended by US authorities at the border between Quebec and Vermont, NYS, and New Hampshire, a 300-percent jump from the 6,925 apprehended during the same period the previous year. The figure for Oct 2020 to Sep 2021 was just 365 people."
Migrants who had crossed the border from Canada, many of them from India, talking to taxi drivers in Plattsburgh, NY, who were offering rides to NYC. Photo: Anna Watts for The New York Times
"More than 12,000 of the 19,300 people detained were Indian nationals, underscoring a booming migrant smuggling route from India to the US via Canada."
Six Indian nationals, aged 19-21 years, were arrested by the US border authorities after they were apprehended on a sinking boat during a failed attempt to be smuggled into America from Canada. They were charged with Improper Entry by Alien. (Undated photo: Reuters)
No paywall:
Xenophobia is tragically affecting both sides of the worlds largest undefended border, whose G-7 economies grew thanks to the blood, sweat, and tears of millions of immigrants toiling in the farms, factories, mines, fisheries, and slaughterhouses for two hundred years in the US and Canada. Every year thousands of migrants sacrifice their life savings or indeed their very lives trying to make their way to places such as the US, Canada, the EU, or Australia just to merely survive.
At least 8,565 people died on migration routes worldwide in 2023 according to the International Office of Migration (IOM). Undated photo above of migrants courtesy of the Vatican News Service.
(6,704 posts)and allow him to make it appear that his bullying has gotten something he wanted. It's fine for Trudeau to go but the message and meeting should have been short and direct. "Do not make threats against us and then expect dialogue. If at some point in the future you change your approach and look at your neighbors as friends to talk to rather than bully then by all means we can have conversations. Until that time I have come all this way to personally emphasize to you that any bullying or threats by you or anybody else will be met with rejection. Now I will leave." Then Trudeau could have stood for all times as a heroic symbol of Resistance if he would have come out, faced the cameras and said "I had few things to say but I will reiterate that anybody trying to bully or threaten Canada can Go F**k Themselves and that includes the incoming administration."
For heaven's sake didn't these leaders learn anything from the first go round? Don't humor or entertain this crap even for a moment. Publicly humiliating a bully by openly rejecting their tactics is the best course.