President Biden pardons his son Hunter Biden
Source: NBC
WASHINGTON -- Joe Biden pardoned his son Hunter Sunday night, a reversal for the president, who repeatedly said he would not use his executive authority to pardon his son or commute his sentence.
"I believe in the justice system, but as I have wrestled with this, I also believe raw politics has infected this process and it led to a miscarriage of justice -- and once I made this decision this weekend, there was no sense in delaying it further. I hope Americans will understand why a father and a President would come to this decision," Biden said in a statement.
Hunter Biden is scheduled to be sentenced on Dec. 12 for his conviction on federal gun charges. He also is set to be sentenced on Dec. 16 in a separate criminal case in which he pleaded guilty to federal tax evasion charges in September.
The pardon is expected to cover both his gun charges conviction and his guilty plea.
Read more:
This makes me smile
Link to tweet

(26,329 posts)calikid
(653 posts)cyndensco
(1,741 posts)Good for President Biden...and Hunter!
(25,577 posts)NotHardly
(1,834 posts)calimary
(85,363 posts)LetMyPeopleVote
(159,627 posts)RandomNumbers
(18,437 posts)Everything in his statement is true.
And even if it weren't, I am f*cking tired of our side playing by the rules while the other side recognizes NO rules.
Brother Buzz
(38,240 posts)ecstatic
(34,662 posts)While dragging their feet for years on trump's coup attempt.
(148,601 posts)but greased the skids for Hunter to do so.
Has nothing to do with DOJ.
(148,601 posts)mcar
(44,139 posts)
(5,346 posts)Cha
(308,408 posts)"Oh Pres Biden made pledge!"
Things Change Corp "news"!
Prof. Toru Tanaka
(2,487 posts)Joe Biden ought to tell all of them to eat shit and like it. He has more class and dignity than to do that but if he did, I wouldnt lose any respect for him. The media has treated him like crap all through his administration while bending over backwards to normalize a lying sociopathic criminal who is a rapist and pals around with child molesters.
(7,512 posts)
(148,601 posts)Home Briefing Room Statements and Releases
Today, I signed a pardon for my son Hunter. From the day I took office, I said I would not interfere with the Justice Departments decision-making, and I kept my word even as I have watched my son being selectively, and unfairly, prosecuted. Without aggravating factors like use in a crime, multiple purchases, or buying a weapon as a straw purchaser, people are almost never brought to trial on felony charges solely for how they filled out a gun form. Those who were late paying their taxes because of serious addictions, but paid them back subsequently with interest and penalties, are typically given non-criminal resolutions. It is clear that Hunter was treated differently.
The charges in his cases came about only after several of my political opponents in Congress instigated them to attack me and oppose my election. Then, a carefully negotiated plea deal, agreed to by the Department of Justice, unraveled in the court room with a number of my political opponents in Congress taking credit for bringing political pressure on the process. Had the plea deal held, it would have been a fair, reasonable resolution of Hunters cases.
No reasonable person who looks at the facts of Hunters cases can reach any other conclusion than Hunter was singled out only because he is my son and that is wrong. There has been an effort to break Hunter who has been five and a half years sober, even in the face of unrelenting attacks and selective prosecution. In trying to break Hunter, theyve tried to break me and theres no reason to believe it will stop here. Enough is enough.
For my entire career I have followed a simple principle: just tell the American people the truth. Theyll be fair-minded. Heres the truth: I believe in the justice system, but as I have wrestled with this, I also believe raw politics has infected this process and it led to a miscarriage of justice and once I made this decision this weekend, there was no sense in delaying it further. I hope Americans will understand why a father and a President would come to this decision.
Executive Grant of Clemency
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
President of the United States of America
To All to Whom These Presents Shall Come, Greeting:
Be It Known, That This Day, I, Joseph R. Biden, Jr., President of the United States, Pursuant to My Powers Under Article II, Section 2, Clause 1, of the Constitution, Have Granted Unto
A Full and Unconditional Pardon
For those offenses against the United States which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024, including but not limited to all offenses charged or prosecuted (including any that have resulted in convictions) by Special Counsel David C. Weiss in Docket No. 1:23-cr-00061-MN in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware and Docket No. 2:23-CR-00599-MCS-1 in the United States District Court for the Central District of California.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto signed my name and caused the Pardon to be recorded with the Department of Justice.
Done at the City of Washington this 1st day of December in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty-four and of the Independence of the United States the Two Hundred and Forty-ninth.
Red Mountain
(2,024 posts)now get the printing presses running for the pocket pardons.
Response to LetMyPeopleVote (Original post)
Post removed
(1,310 posts)When we play by the rules, its respecting the institutions and respecting the status quo. When They break the rules or get what they want through loop holes, or shot on the institutions, they win elections and broaden their working class coalition.
Ive had it with the status quo and honoring institutions. We should take what we want when we want, a living wage, Medicare for all, expanded social security, making the infrastructure bill projects real and tangible for the public to appreciate instead of getting bogged down in bureaucratic paperwork.
I am tired of rules and institutions, fuck them
(13,513 posts)I just have to shake my head.
How hard and often do we let the flea infested cellar rats steal and shit in our food and bite our children before we are allowed to protect ourselves?
(148,601 posts)
Everyone knows the difference between Democrats and Republicans.
Last year, Biden pardoned who knows how many who were (federally) convicted for possession/use of marijuana -
A Proclamation on Granting Pardon for the Offense of Simple Possession of Marijuana, Attempted Simple Possession of Marijuana, or Use of Marijuana
Response to BumRushDaShow (Reply #20)
HereForTheParty This message was self-deleted by its author.
(2,424 posts)When one side is in the wrong and one side is not in the wrong, it is not correct to say that both sides should be treated the same.
Certainly it must be repeated over and over that Trump actually did commit crimes that often result in prison time and financial penalties and that Hunter's crimes are practically never even prosecuted, much less result in prison. And that Hunter willingly paid his tax penalties before he was even prosecuted.
The two sides are not the same and should not have the same outcomes.
(5,001 posts)I'll wait.
Americans aren't voting for the "high ground".
(148,601 posts)and how a plea agreement was suddenly torpedoed?
And note that it was "not HIS DOJ". He intentionally kept 45's U.S. Attorney on the Delaware case to finish the investigation rather than fire him right after inauguration and appoint a new U.S. Attorney, which would have been his perogative.
I.e., he did everything to show impartiality and had dicks do unprecedented things to twist the knife.
Remember that Joe Biden was a lawyer (who actually practiced) before becoming a Senator so he knows the legal rules.
Response to BumRushDaShow (Reply #43)
HereForTheParty This message was self-deleted by its author.
(19,707 posts)People, even Presidents, are allowed to change their freaking minds!
Joe laid his thought process out very clearly in his statement, which has been reproduced multiple times in this very thread. Please read it if you haven't done that yet.
I absolutely believe Joe did the right thing, and it makes me sad to see anyone here at DU disagreeing.
(55,019 posts)Hunter agreed to plead guilty. It was the Republican tool David Weiss who backed out of the plea agreement when Trump and the Congressional Republicans pressured Weiss that it was too lenient since it didn't involve years of jail time.
Then, when Trump won, and Joe saw who would be leading DOJ and the FBI, he knew his son would never see any peace. I totally get why Joe changed his mind with the new circumstances. I am sure if Kamala had won, she would have pardoned Hunter. But that's not what happened, and Joe didn't want to leave his only surviving son to the wolves.
And so what if Biden's press secretary, "KJP" as you call her, repeated to the press what Biden said about not issuing a pardon? Joe hadn't changed his mind about the pardon yet when she was saying that. How is that lying???? A President is allowed to change his mind, especially about something to do with his family that in no way affects the Anerican people. It's not like Trump, who promised to replace the ACA with "something even better" then only tried to kill the ACA with no replacement in sight, endangering millions of Americans.
(96,604 posts)Joe Biden put up with this bullshit until he could not ignore what a stinking pile of manure it actually is.
One question for you: Which party are you actually here for?
Asking for a friend.
(148,601 posts)the typical processes and legal precedents that were intentionally tossed aside by the prosecutors (even when, for example, the taxes were settled in the CA case yet summarily ignored).
When it comes to similar cases, they normally move on with plea agreements and don't waste taxpayer money (and extra resources) to make a circus out of things. I know because before retiring, I had previously worked with my agency's OCC and DOJ when we had intransigent regulated firms, and they are given every opportunity to "fix the problem" before going with any criminal prosecutions.
Instead what was done in this case was to essentially feed the GOP loons in the House to try to use this to impeach our current President. I.e, "investigating a private citizen" to use as a cudgel against a sitting President, an investigation which THEY hypocritically insist shouldn't be done with the nasty piece of work that is now-former Congressman Matt Gaetz, who they suddenly consider "a private citizen".
It couldn't be more clear.
Party over and your "concern" is noted.
(96,604 posts)SunSeeker
(55,019 posts)David Weiss was assigned by Trumps DOJ. When Weiss couldn't find any crimes related to Burisma or Joe Biden like Trump wanted, he dug into Hunter's messy personal life and pursued a petty gun application violation and paying his taxes late, much like what Ken Starr did to Clinton when he couldn't find anything on Whitewater. Biden, trying to play by the norms, kept Weiss on and eventually gave him Special Prosecutor designation. As special prosecutor, he was independent of Bidens DOJ. But Weiss was obviously not independent of Republican political pressure, as he is a member of the Republican Party.
See what "playing by the rules" got us?
BTW, Biden did not break any rules in pardoning his son. What "rules" are you talking about??
(12,203 posts)Hunter would not have been prosecuted if he was not President Biden's son. The remedy for a political prosecution is a pardon.
(18,368 posts)
(43 posts)I'm not going to clutch any pearls over pardoning a conviction borne out of political retribution.
Mr. Evil
(3,181 posts)TSF and his fellow overgrown toddlers are going to turn the DOJ into their personal playpen. They're going to run through the budget and siphon off billions of dollars for themselves and their toddler cronies just like children would be in a free candy and toy store. And once they've destroyed that and most everything else they'll move on to the only thing left to destroy... our society itself. Fuck them!
And good for you, Joe!
(308,408 posts)Thank You!
(36,594 posts)No fucking way in hell Id offer my kid up.
(41,400 posts)The President pardoned his son to keep him safe. Because the price of eggs endangered his safety.
Think. Again.
(21,614 posts)Blasphemer
(3,379 posts)Democrats trying to be the ones that follow an ideal that has become a myth was NOT helping them.
(23,210 posts)seems so... and we thought so highly of ourselves, for so long
(308,408 posts)If anyone has been paying the least bit of Attention to what the Fascist Fucks are doing.
Prairie Gates
(4,390 posts)Orrex
(64,852 posts)I honestly couldn't tell who was mugging whom, and is there any difference, really?
That's a fiction; I wasn't actually mugged, but holy shit what a ridiculous false equivalence you've imagined.
Convicted felon Trump will pardon his Jan6 insurrectionists because it gives him a chubby to have ignorant fuckheads willing to commit crimes for him, and because it will annoy the Left. President Biden is pardoning Hunter because Hunter was the victim of a political hit-job.
(55,019 posts)Last edited Mon Dec 2, 2024, 02:20 AM - Edit history (1)
Hunter had accepted his fate and was repentant. He had agreed to plead guilty to the charges as part of his plea agreement, but Trump and Republican politicians blew up the plea agreement. They wanted to put him in jail for years, for holding a gun for 10 days and failure to timely pay a tax bill.
Nobody gets criminally prosecuted for this, let alone goes to jail for this. The prosecution was a complete miscarriage of justice and purely politically motivated. This case cried out for a pardon.
Please tell me one pardon that Trump issued that didn't involve a serious crime and/or an unrepentant criminal...or to cover up Trump's own crimes. Biden and Trump could not be more different.
Captain Zero
(7,716 posts)nt
(517 posts)honestly they just don't care and I don't mean Trump and his crime crew, I mean the people that vote for him. They don't care that we respect the law, if they did they wouldn't have voted for Trump. You aren't going to change their minds by letting Hunte Biden go to prison. They're just going to laugh and high five each other.
There is no more "when they go low, we go high". If we want to avoid an actual civil war the only way to purge our country of this menace is to start playing by their rules to a point. I'm not saying doing anything illegal but we need to fight better, being the party of the kind isn't working. We need to stop bringing a knife to a gun fight.
(5,177 posts)truthisfreedom
(23,367 posts)Anything that makes these magats snort their cereal through their nose on a Monday morning is excellent.
That being said, Joes exactly right in this case. This was real political persecution, not justice. Joe straightened it right out.
(159,627 posts)mcar
(44,139 posts)And the timing is just right, given Trump's naming Kushner's criminal daddy as Ambassador to France.
(55,019 posts)Old man Kushner committed witness tampering by hiring a hooker to seduce his son in law (who had been cooperating with the feds against Kushner) and videotaped the sex act. Kushner then sent it to his daughter. Truly sick. Meanwhile, Hunter was about to be sent to jail for something nobody is ever even charged for.
(177,382 posts)They would have investigated Hunter for four years in a setting that would make the Star Chamber look good by comparison. That would have done untold damage to President Biden. It needed to end now.
(19,115 posts)Been long time we heard something we would love!!
(159,627 posts)Pinback
(13,062 posts)Great role model for those whove screwed up and been given a second chance.
(308,408 posts)Karasu
(710 posts)Last edited Sun Dec 1, 2024, 10:13 PM - Edit history (1)
...he leaves office, because for a while, he said he had no intention of doing this. Trying not to get my hopes up, but my fingers are crossed.
Come on, Joe!
(19,802 posts)

(35,052 posts)With all the crap Trump has gotten away with I would be pretty disappointed if Hunter was thrown to the wolves. And honestly this may have been part of the 2-hour conversation Biden had with Trump when they were behind closed doors at their meeting. Maybe they worked out some of this, because Trump's cases went away too.
(26,240 posts)Throw the corruption back in their faces!
Think. Again.
(21,614 posts)This is a legitimate use of pardon power to correct wrongful political persecution.
(308,408 posts)Susan Calvin
(2,228 posts)markodochartaigh
(2,424 posts)and also that there is an explanation given to prove to rational people that this was a purely political prosecution.
(3,569 posts)And all who voted against America in voting for him. FUCK You Trump!!!
(30,355 posts)Trump and his blood thirsty minions want to go after Democrats with a vengeance. If Trump can get away with much more severe crimes, such as stealing highly classified documents and refusing to return them until the FBI raided his club in FL, then Hunter should be able to get away with much lesser crimes. Americans elected a convicted felon to the highest office in the land. Since Americans have lost their moral compass, Hunter being pardoned is small potatoes by comparison.
(3,938 posts)I had a feeling he was going to do this.
(3,668 posts)Two very strong brave men! Yes!
(13,513 posts)How hard and often are we supposed to let the flea infested cellar rats steal and shit in our food and bite our children before we are allowed to protect ourselves?
(17,242 posts)LogDog75
(320 posts)However, I support Joe Biden's decision. This was a political hit job on Hunter Biden to get at Joe Biden. I'm a bit disappointed that he went back on his word not to pardon Hunter. But, I understand why he did it and I'm okay with it.
What I'd like to see is when the adjudicated rapist and convicted felony starts complaining about the pardon, the first bill the Democrats submit in the House and the Senate is to remove the power of presidential when it concerns a family member. I'd suggest it include family members who are parents, grand parents, great grandparents, sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, grand children,, great grandchildren, grand nieces, and grand nephews. In short, no pardons for immediate family members or two generations older or younger than the president.
I'd like to see republicans try to justify not voting for a bill like this.
(1,926 posts)
(159,627 posts)Link to tweet
Here is Hunter Bidens Declaration to the Court in California that he has formally accepted the full and unconditional pardon granted by President Biden.
(308,408 posts)OhioTim
(324 posts)to pardon himself, his entire cabinet, every liberal newscaster and newspaper editor etc,etc.............
(6,447 posts)I am so happy to see this. Now, Mr. President, please pardon Leonard Peltier.
(1,114 posts)The charges brought against Hunter are rarely (essentially never) used and when attorneys get out of line and political it is very much within the executives purview to right that wrong.
Biden held off as long as possible but the truth of this injustice just couldn't stand any longer and the damage to his family would have been irreparable.
Just more of the low-key excellence that we've come to expect from President Biden.
(31 posts)This is the best news since November 5! Thank goodness!😊
(1,016 posts)I hope it gives him a measure of peace.
(159,627 posts)Cha
(308,408 posts)AntiFascist
(13,124 posts)we will need to be ready to defend everyone that they try to go after.
(8,622 posts)question everything
(49,739 posts)

(14,418 posts)RandiFan1290
(6,494 posts)

(985 posts)Totally agree with President Biden's decision to protect his only surviving son from further malicious prosecution by a special counsel with a vendetta.
diane in sf
(4,139 posts)D23MIURG23
(3,121 posts)Prairie Gates
(4,390 posts)Remember that the Nixon pardon just covered any federal crimes during a given time period. It wasn't even specific to Watergate, covering the whole of Nixon's two terms from January 20, 1969.
I can see a blanket pardon for all federal crimes from, say, January 20, 2008 to January 19, 2025, for a long list of people that Trumpies might target. Pardion them all. Don't worry about the naysayers who will jump in insisting that accepting a pardon means accepting that you're guilty of a crime. The people that post that nonsense are usually trolls anyway.
(2,170 posts)As was said, if the other side has taken a sharpie to the game board and confiscated all the money, then we get to do what it takes to get through these uncharted waters.
Please President Joe, more moves like this.
(6,969 posts)Jack Valentino
(1,657 posts)With the F*cking PIG poised to pardon scores or hundreds of actual TRAITORS,
and perhaps violent criminals who attacked police officers defending
the Capital and the Constitution---
there is no good reason for President Biden to fail to use his pardon powers
on behalf of Hunter, who has tried to clean up his life---
and who never attacked police officers
or attempted to subvert the Constitution...
(8,761 posts)He's got a few weeks left and plenty of time to throw a bunch of hail mary's.
I understand why he pardoned his son, but that doesn't make it right and it makes it so much easier for them to muddy the waters. As if the crooked slimeballs needed the help.
If Biden is going to spend his remaining political capital, I'd rather he do it for the environment or student debt or lobbying rules or something that benefits people generally. I am sick of Dems playing by the rulebooks while the Repugs play by mafia rules, but if we are going to fight fire with fire I'd much rather it be for genuine causes that help the American people, not just the people immediately around him.
There are some that think that the pardon of Marc Rich in 2001 was great because the GOP do that sort of thing, but not me. I called it out then, and I'll call it out now.
Do better, Joe. Do something noble and bold that dwarfs this little reversal of justice by jury. Do it for the American people.
(5,177 posts)He DID do the noble thing
(8,281 posts)You been around the last FOUR YEARS?? That's all that Biden has been doing even with a Republican do nothing Congress.
Jack Valentino
(1,657 posts)Oh well.... Joe is over-polite.
(308,408 posts)
COL Mustard
(7,259 posts)I think its too much to ask for Joe not to have pardoned Hunter. Im just surprised that it took him a month after the election.
(392 posts)There will be much gnashing of the teeth and wailing through the night in magatown.
(96,604 posts)AllyCat
(17,601 posts)PortTack
(35,357 posts)PortTack
(35,357 posts)lees1975
(6,291 posts)Especially since Trump is getting away with all of his crimes. No reason for Hunter Biden to suffer because he sis the President's son and Republicans are are being huge hypocrites.
This makes it a little more even.
(20,036 posts)Someone jammed their butt in
The Republicans faces.
NH Ethylene
(31,046 posts)And when people say he went back on his word, he can honestly respond that things are different now, now that 45 is gearing the Justice Department up as a tool for revenge. He'd be a fool to leave his son swinging in the breeze at this point.
(159,627 posts)Hassler
(4,123 posts)And pardon everyone in your family and yourself
(321 posts)who believe that Trump facing legal consequences for his illegal actions was "partisan lawfare" and also believed Hunter Biden deserves to have the book thrown at him to send a message, are suddenly bawling and acting like this is the biggest scandal in American history. Oh and, also, poor Mr. Trump now has to act like a corrupt criminal tyrant who weaponizes the law because that nasty Biden set a precedent and he'll have no choice now, because Trump and Republicans don't have any agency.
(21,252 posts)So happy to hear this.
(36,631 posts)claudette
(5,177 posts)He finally found a way to stick it to magats while doing the right thing for his son
(11,963 posts)You are a good man and a good father.
(27,471 posts)Bengus81
(8,281 posts)About time Biden and DEMS get in the faces of these asshats instead of this decades old "they go low,we go high" nonsense.
(27,471 posts)Hekate
(96,604 posts)onetexan
(13,913 posts)Well done President Biden, one of the US' greatest presidents!
Now pls use your immunity powers, fill all remaining judges positions, and nullify the SCOTUS (not sure if that's possible but hey, we can dream)
(159,627 posts)Dem4life1970
(727 posts) have Hunter named as Ambassador to France until Jan. 20, 2025. 😊 The Hunter thing was a real witch hunt. The agreed upon plea deal should've stood. I am glad that he pardoned Hunter.
(805 posts)Now lets see what other significant decisions he makes.
Go Joe!!
John Shaft
(808 posts)one should REALLY pay attention to THAT more than even the pardon itself.
City Lights
(25,575 posts)And EFF the pearl-clutching media crying about how Biden said he wouldn't do this.
The reason you are losing viewers/subscriptions is because we are sick to death of your double-standards.
(159,627 posts)There's a legitimate controversy surrounding Joe Biden's pardon for Hunter Biden, but given his scandalous record, Donald Trump ought to sit this one out.
Link to tweet
President Joe Biden on Sunday issued a full and unconditional pardon for his son Hunter Biden, who has been dogged by Republican attacks for years. ... The pardon is expected to cover both his gun charges and his tax charges, reported NBC News, the first outlet to report on the decision. It covers any offenses the 54-year-old has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024.
Theres no shortage of angles to a story like this one, but broadly speaking, there are two sides to the story. On the one hand, theres the outgoing president, who argued that his adult son wouldnt even have been prosecuted if his last name werent Biden. The pardon, by this reasoning, is about advancing the cause of justice and righting a prosecutorial wrong......
The one person, however, who should sit this one out, is Donald Trump, who apparently couldnt help himself.
Shortly after the White House announced the pardon for the incumbent presidents son, the Republican president-elect published an item to his social media platform that read, Does the Pardon given by Joe to Hunter include the J-6 Hostages, who have now been imprisoned for years? Such an abuse and miscarriage of Justice!
First, Jan. 6 criminals are not hostages.
Second, if were going to talk about pardons, abuses and miscarriages of justice, Trump might not like where the conversation ends up.
Indeed, by any fair measure, Trumps record on pardons is arguably the worst in American history. During his first term, he effectively wielded his pardon power as a corrupt weapon, rewarding loyalists, completing cover-ups, undermining federal law enforcement, and doling out perverse favors to the politically connected.
Trumps list of scandalous pardon abuses is so long, it could be a lengthy book. The names should be familiar: Paul Manafort. Michael Flynn. Steve Bannon. Roger Stone. Seven different Republican members of Congress who were locked up for corruption crimes.
Trump saw presidential pardons as get-out-of-jail-free cards for his friends and associates, engaging in the kind of brazen corruption that wouldve defined his term were it not eclipsed by other breathtaking scandals.
(18,986 posts)Trump pardoned his in-law Charles Kushner
(334 posts)Fuck your feelings!
endless summer
(55 posts)He and VPHarris worked their asses off to right the ship after four years of damage done by the terra cotta moron, and then half of the electorate shat on their legacy. The Biden family deserves some peace, to hell with it, Im glad he did it.
(1,395 posts)Let's say that he didn't pardon Hunter, as some people are thinking he should have done. Do they really think that Trump won't do the same for Bannon, the J6 insurrectionists, and others? I mean, last I checked, I don't remember any of them crying about it when it came to Jared Kushner. If they are saying that they are making this political, well, it was Trump who started it first, not the Democrats. They have lost all right to complain in regards to it. The pearl clutching is pathetic.