Trump squanders his own momentum
Trump squanders his own momentumHe admits all of that talk about "unity" was just momentary hype
By Heather Digby Parton
Published July 29, 2024 9:21AM (EDT)
(Salon) After having spent most of the last two years playing golf and dining with his paying fans at Mar-a-Lago, former President Donald Trump picked up the pace of his campaign a little bit this past weekend. He met with a Christian group on Friday night and then made two appearances back to back, first at a Bitcoin convention in Tennessee followed by a rally in Minnesota.
You might think that just coming off of the Republican National Convention 10 days ago and after last week's dramatic events in the Democratic Party going to a Bitcoin convention might not be among your top priorities. But Trump is always hungry for money and his campaign's been collecting Bitcoin donations for a couple of months while observing that large cryptocurrency PACs have put over $180 million into some congressional races. So he went there along with some other high-profile Republicans and Vivek Ramaswamy to make a bunch of promises at the behest of donors, which he clearly didn't understand, and make a pitch for votes from people who had listened to independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. the night before.
Trump said a few other weird things this weekend. He spoke at a Turning Point Actions conference on Friday night where he offered up an astonishing promise to his Christian followers that they won't have to vote anymore after four years if they elect him:
Link to tweet
If it weren't for his constant praise for dictators and tyrants and his repeated comments that he should be allowed to stay in office beyond two terms, I might be willing to believe some people's interpretations of this startling remark to mean that he will fix everything in four years so they will have no reason to be involved in politics after that. But that makes no sense since unless he means he's not leaving office, people will always have to vote lest their opponents reverse their gains as Trump himself is promising to do right now. No, he said what he said and we know what he means. ................(more)

Blue Owl
(55,553 posts)Oh yeah -- in just about all of his previous business ventures
(3,988 posts)And looking and acting desperate is not much of a presidential image. Dem teams are being given huge amounts of ammo for pro Kamala speeches, ads, etc. It's great when you can use their own words and deeds against them. Trump was good source on his own but now adding Vance, its the dream team of providing fodder for us to use.
(13,427 posts)really there in the first place.
Trump's 'trajectory' (polls, etc.) has been steadily declining for a period of time. And, against almost all conventional wisdom and recent history - there was almost no 'bump' involved for the convention, the VP pick - or additionally, for the assassination attempt.
Momentum? One might have thought ... But it never really happened.