It's the Most Hated Airline in America. You'll Miss It When It's Gone.
Its the Most Hated Airline in America. Youll Miss It When Its Gone.In defense of Spirit, the great equalizer of the skies.
By Scott Nover
Oct 15, 20245:35 AM
(Slate) Not long ago, I found myself in a position every American air traveler is taught to dread: I was about to board a Spirit Airlines flight.
One recent AxiosHarris Poll survey asked Americans about the brand reputations of 100 well-known companies. Spirit ranked 98th out of 100 companiesworse than Meta and TikTok, Fox Corporation, and Silicon Valley Bank, a financial institution that failed last year. The only businesses that scored worse? Elon Musks X and the Trump Organization. Woof.
Spirits brand is synonymous with cheapnessin price but also in quality. Its planes are cramped, uncomfortable, and all too often delayed. The airline sets cheap rates but ambushes customers with pesky little fees for every single facet of the flying experience, a nickel-and-diming scheme that bends not even for that glass of water. Its flying unbundled: Start with the worst experience imaginable, then pay up for whatever shreds of dignity you need to feel human.
Ever since the merger failed, Spirits stock has tanked, and its market value has slipped from $6 billion in 2015 to comparative pennies today. Speculation of a collapse has been rampant, and news that Spirit would delay the purchase of more planes and would be cutting certain routes followed. Then, earlier this month, people familiar with the matter told the Wall Street Journal that the airline is indeed in negotiations ahead of a potential Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing.
What did Young see in Spirit that the average American air traveler doesnt? Unlike many of the legacy airlines that carve out specific areas of coverage, Spirit does something incredibly important: It truly competes with every other airline. And that brings down prices for every airline passengerwhether you deign to fly Spirit or not. ..............(more)
(2,260 posts)Spirit is not keeping prices down. The other airlines are plenty busy, and dont need the smallish group of passengers that fly on the crappiest airline out there either willingly or because they cant afford better. They feel no pressure to charge less. Its like the old story of a group of campers running from a bear - they dont need to up their running game as long as they run better than the one guy who cant run at all.
All that Spirit adds to the toxic corporate mix, is the bad example that a good number of passengers will tolerate abusive pricing, encouraging them to also engage in only slightly less abusive pricing. The object lesson of their bankruptcy would be a positive development. The airlines already charge every penny the market will bear, and they will continue to do so when Spirit is a bad memory.
(14,826 posts)Sounds like a pos model. Bye