Once again Ma nature has screwed up my Bigfoot research
Sitting waiting in Fernley Nevada for Truckee open chain laws are in effect.
My partner asked what are you thinking about as he sat in passenger seat.
I unloaded in an emotional rant which is so unlike me.
I told him my thoughts at that exact moment sitting behind the wheel.
1- Im really starting to think i should just pension off in 3 years after 30+ years as union freight hauler was gonna go at 62 Im now 58.
2- Once again my Bigfoot research is shot to hell this trip. Why suns gonna be up when we make for the summit we usually do it around well between 01:00-04:00 west coast time.
And Bigfoot will not be standing along I-80 in daylight.
Reasons for such time variables on time frame making Truckee is if were winning at casino in Wendover Nevada we usually stay till we start losing after we shower at truck lounge Wendover free showers for all steering wheel holders beats showering at terminal or shitty truck stops.
Sorry i ramble my wife used to say stop rambling your Columbo is showing Peter Falks character.
Yet tell me what are the chances of seeing Sasquatch with sun up climbing Donner i know right practically zero.
Although at chain up area few weeks ago at the base of summit i stopped kick a tire / pissing and thought I saw Bigfoot climbing out of a large car he was parked sleeping.
He jumped out the large car driver middle night no shirt wearing boxers big huuuge gut and covered in massive amounts of body hair.
Yep in the lights from chain area i could make him out i said to my partner wow that dudes relatives came down out trees a little later than rest of us.
Sorry to bitch in lieu of the problems many problems we face here in Murica I mean the members of D.U. community who love democracy as i do.
And yes my Narcissism selfishness is coming through over Mother Nature messing up my research.
Shit maybe Ill catch Sasquatch at in and out burger on way home no hitting Gym planet fitness this trip we usually wait on freight and go workout and shower.
Wagon should be ready i wanna drop hook and roll out gotta get home to see my youngest boy the furry boy dunc the golden retriever.