I liked this Black Friday sales pitch for merch from the Satanic Temple...
A Message from Lucien Greaves
Veterans of Black Fridays' past would bravely sacrifice their safety and dignity in those distant pre-covid years of brick-and-mortar retail supremacy. They risked life and limb. We take it for granted now, shopping from the safety of our laptops, but our forebearers would assemble in the bitter prdawn cold. They would gather into mobs to stampede over children and the elderly, elbowing, clawing, and prying away discounted items from the arms of the infirm or in the way. Black Friday was the opening battle in a seasonal war. The war wasn't on Christmas. The war was Christmas. Gifts celebrating peace on earth and good will were purchased at a discount price in an orgy of screaming, chaotic violence.
Ordering online, we can never reclaim the glory of those years. The cracked limbs and the desperate screams of those fallen underfoot were drowned out by looping carols, jingling bells, and demands to speak to the manager. The feeling of victory, knowing that gifts you acquired were gifts denied to others, wrested from their desperate hands and into yours. But as holiday shopping has moved online, so too has the war of Christmas.
This year, tell them publicly on social media so that the world may hear:
"I did my holiday shopping at thesatanictemple.com"...
and you will find that the true spirit of holiday outrage and savagery is still very much alive and well.
Let The Seasonal Savagery Commence...