Propaganda Debunking
Related: About this forumPresident Obama's economy was better

The thing speaks for itself

(11,675 posts)Nonfarm Employment:
monthly change
(2,146 posts)To make it apples to apples....
(1,277 posts)This president and his minions claim the best economy.
Since this economy is not as stellar as president Obama's last 3 years, the GOP propaganda is refuted.
Nevertheless, I get your point.
This chart was posted at Slate (in the link)
(2,146 posts)Using mismatched metrics....(unintended alliteration) doesn't make a case for anything....God forbid dumpster gets a 2nd term...then the comparisons can be done...otherwise they(the R's) will do what should be done...dispute the discrepancy.
I would if it was Jr.Bush and President Obama.....different parts of their 2 terms.
I got nailed by an observant righty...she correctly pointed out that Bush's 8yr average unemployment rate was lower than President Obama's 8yr average....that sucked.
(11,675 posts)I think it is more apples to apples to compare the more recent consecutive years. Not sure where you get the idea that the first n years must be compared to the first n years as some absolute gold standard.
They inherited very different economies.
(2,146 posts)I also consider the differences in the base lines of them.
When you start in a giant crater like Pres. Obama did...Up is all there is. Big numbers are going to happen. That's an economic fact.
We've gone from shitshow to "robust" often. It's our thing. How many times has it happened?
I could show you 8-10 since the Civil War
To your post below.....Job you point out....the recession.
The Recession ended in June-July-ish '09....yet we had the slowest post recession recovery ever. Also a fact.
I've been studying this crap since the late '60''s not new to me.
(11,675 posts)of each president and not saying word one about the economies they inherited, until now.
I think Obama faced a lot more resistance from Congress in trying to improve the economy than Bush did.
Bush had a Republican Congress for 4 years, a divided Congress for 2 years, and a Democratic congress for 2 years.
Obama had a Democratic Congress for 2 years, a divided Congress for 4 years, and a Republican Congress for 2 years. And a Republican Senate majority leader whose declared goal was to make Obama a one-term president. And who stole a Supreme Court nomination.
It took a longer time for the economy to recover from the housing bubble crash because it was a deeper crash than the dot-com crash. The housing bubble crash was certainly crashing a lot harder when Obama took office, than the dot-com crash was when Bush took office.
I'm surprised you had a tough time dealing with that. It just might have something to do with the unemployment rates they inherited and the momentum of the economy they inherited.
Bush inherited a 4.2 unemployment rate in January 2001
and the economy had gained an average of 116,000 jobs/mo over the last 3 months (Nov 2000 thru January 2001)
Obama inherited a 7.8% unemployment rate in January 2009
and the economy had lost an average of 739,000 jobs/mo over the last 3 months (Nov 2008 thru January 2009)
So frankly, I'm not "sucked" out that Obama's 8 year unemployment rate was 2.1 percentage points higher than Bush's given that he started out with a 3.6 percentage point disadvantage (7.8%-4.2%). (Bush's average unemployment rate: 5.3%, Obama's 7.4%).
You can say Obama was in a hole and there was nowhere to go but up, even with a hostile Congress that was as assholic as it was. But it could have gone down a lot further too.
(11,675 posts)I get:
-805,000 Obama's first 36 months (-22,000 / mo average)
8,079,000 Obama's last 36 months (224,000 / mo average)
6,559,000 Trump's first 36 months (182,000 / mo average)
Obama's first 36 months was ruined by inheriting the Great Recession (the first year of job growth was March 2010). He turned around the economy in his first year and a half or so and went on to create jobs at a faster pace than Trump has so far.
Trump inherited Obama's nearly 7 years of continuous job growth and then, with that momentum, continued on, but at a slower pace of job creation.
(58,785 posts)though only as much as Republicans congress reluctantly allowed, not by the mass transfers of national wealth to the wealthy the Republicans began engineering as soon as they had a Republican president who wouldn't veto them.