Propaganda Debunking
Related: About this forumHow we know TFG didn't declassify the nuclear information
The process to declassify nuclear information is unique. For it to be declassified, it has to go through a tremendously arduous process.
The process is spelled out by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S. Code Subchapter X)
1) The President would deliver the request in writing to the Department of Energy.
2) The Department of Energy would give the request to the Atomic Energy Commission.
3) The Atomic Energy Commission would form a joint panel with the Department of Defense (Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel or ISCAP).
4) That panel would make a recommendation one way or another. To recommend to declassify, they would specifically have to overrule the sections of law preventing them from doing so.*
5) If both the AEC and the DOD agree, the information would be declassified and be given to the President.
6) If only one authorized declassifying the information, the President would have the deciding vote.
7) If neither authorized declassifying the information, the request would be denied.
8) ALL the previous steps would be handled as Secret or Top Secret information, leaving a program name, a custody chain for everything contained within, and would require the meetings to be held in a sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF) room.
9) If they chose to declassify nuclear information, it would be HUGE FUCKING NEWS as every country scrambled for a copy.
* rules 25X2, 25X4, and 25X5 specifically prohibit any declassification of that information (information is prohibited from being declassified if it would:
- 25X2 - reveal information that would assist in the development, production, or use of weapons of mass destruction;
- 25X4 reveal information that would impair the application of state-of-the-art technology within a US weapon system; and
- 25X5 reveal formally named or numbered U.S. military war plans that remain in effect, or reveal operational or tactical elements of prior plans that are contained in such active plans)
The lack of massive headlines around the world announcing that America has made plans for nuclear weapons available to anyone and everyone is proof enough that the information was not declassified.

(6,410 posts)Doesn't matter, the documents were STOLEN and were going to be sold to the highest bidder. If they haven't already. It doesn't matter if he waved his tiny hand over them and supposedly declassified them. The issue is, they are our Nations secrets and they had NO business being found at MAL.
(59,161 posts)SamKnause
(14,081 posts)Classified or unclassified, the documents were STOLEN !!!
(97,964 posts)yelling this at the roof tops
(17,757 posts)Just ask him....
(65,543 posts)And be the strongest blackmail, leverage and revenge tools possible.
So yes probably nuclear secrets.