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(24,655 posts)You sir, are not a total traitor, and so will never be like trump.
The Magistrate
(96,043 posts)"There might be cake...."
(13,813 posts)
(6,448 posts)He was pretty funny on That 70s Show and was equally terrifying on SVU. That's quite a range.
The last time I saw him, he was talking about his wife's brain tumor. There's a lot of humanity and goodness in him.
(6,645 posts)And he works clean, too. Not that it matters to me, since I'm pretty disgusting, but some people appreciate a clean comedian.
(6,448 posts)I wonder how much it'll cost me for this favor.
(162,406 posts)added to my watch list (I only watch on my days off)
thanks, er, no matter how dirty you are!
(35,733 posts)i don't think the videos stay up long but look up his name and hot pockets. also holiday traditions!
they are really funny.
(6,448 posts)Roy Rolling
(7,269 posts)I had never seen his act until a few weeks ago and it is wildly funny. I watched all of them since and each is as good as the rest. His fighting off the trolls just makes me a solid fan.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
(6,448 posts)why Southerners are so slow. He really is funny.
(35,357 posts)awesomerwb1
(4,679 posts)I don't get that tweet?
You're dang right you'll never be Donald trump!
But seriously, well played and I don't think a lot of MAGAts will get it.
KS Toronado
(20,963 posts)

(4,679 posts)My point was MAGAts won't.
(10,414 posts)I've always liked his kind of material, yes it is non political and just about himself usually. There was one bit he had where he talks about being in church and how everyone else is in serious contemplation listening to the priest and he is sitting there asking himself, Did I already have Wendy's today?
(6,448 posts)It's the same as when Jimmy Kimmel's son had heart surgery. He wasn't political either until it all hit home.
(9,437 posts)and have always loved him...
(430 posts)If the trump snowflakes won't be watching or listening to all these comedians who make fun of trump, just who and what will they turn to in their dismal futures for what passes as conservative comedy? Oh. my bad. Republicans and trump supporters have no sense of humor. The only thing they like is other people's misery.
Must be hell living as perpetual downers and not having or understanding comedy!
Don't think I've seen any of these snowflakes laugh unless someone has been shot and it's been broadcast on fox!
Generic Brad
(14,374 posts)Dennis Miller and Yakov Smirnov don't count as comedians since they have never been funny.
(6,448 posts)I guess I made your point too.
Jimbo S
(3,032 posts)"He's so down to earth."
(1,082 posts)funnier than a Nebraskan with a fake southern accent.
(85,363 posts)crickets
(26,158 posts)I wouldn't be surprised if he gained fans rather than losing them.
(20,219 posts)
I hadnt noticed him much, I guess cuz I dont watch teevee. But now Im thinking I better find him on YouTube.
(26,158 posts)BlancheSplanchnik
(20,219 posts)ihas2stinkyfeet
(1,400 posts)SpankMe
(3,394 posts)The Wielding Truth
(11,428 posts)
(6,269 posts)know, your first gut knew that you are right, stick to your guns.

(281,661 posts)Rec #200
(8,251 posts)when you can twist it as well as that. Well played.
(16,344 posts)It started with the Hot Pockets bit. He is especially funny when he talks about his five kids or his food choices. He is a regular now on CBS Sunday Morning.
I could never tell if he was conservative or not, so it's the icing on the cake to know he hates Trump. We have that in common.
(36,829 posts)