Related: About this forumUpdate on Dumble pedal / And email this morning about a Burny super grade RLG for sale.
Other day I posted in my rambles about these iset pedals I ordered 3 different brands two apiece for Easter presents for 18 and 16 idea was okay the three brands play and compare. Sixteen i met in 18 high school guitar class before thanksgiving break and her mom single parent asked if I offer lessons and if so how much.
Yes here at Duncan pup guitar university we offer instructions tuition is zero why we even have a petting zoo of one chocolate lab and two Golden retrievers. Anyway 16 has become a fixture as always around hanging with from going to Gym with us to work out to jamming to grocery shopping with me yesterday fact is shes been a blessing for the boys and i since we lost their mom.
Why I even expanded the curriculum to Drivers ed instructor for 16 at first we was using my wifes 2018 Kia its automatic then to my Mazda 6 its manual shes doing ok she was hesitant at first about manual I told her its good idea to learn. Although I gave the 2018 Kia to our youngest daughter, so 16 and i practice in the 2001 Toyota Corolla my commute to work vehicle or the Mazda.
The pedals I ordered are
Ok I was rambling my wife used to say youre like columbo the Peter Falk character ,so yesterday the other pedals arrived.
Iset came last week
Joyo and Tomsline came yesterday the iset we have pushed through in beginning a Marshall 1 watt head twin cabinet meh and peavey 15 watt twin.
Yesterday we pushed all three dumble clones through fender blues reissue a clone 40 watt I should say to clarify that a friend of mine over in Westminister Maryland built for me years ago. I like the 12 Ax7 and the 6L6 tone. Second amp was peavey delta blues and out of all three yes all three opened up the more wattage amps yet the $24 iset is a keeper just the cleans on single coil Strat to the mids.
My first attempt at Dumble years ago was a Zen overdrive their attempt to clone the Howard Dumble tone I still have it so this iset is clone of a zen overdrive 16 decided to choose the iset 18 chose the Tom sline so I ordered two each the kids will have one extra pedal each.
Ill return the joyo and the joyo were great its just to each their own in what they like as for 16 I told her I really dont use pedals that much as she has seen jamming with us. Yet Im now helping her build her own pedal board she will find her own sound. I explain to her when I was younger than you were I went from loving single coils to humbuckers.
And a cool guy who worked with my old man took me under his wing started showing me how to manipulate tone out of rolling off the pots then opening it up again for attack from teaching me to use my thumb for softer sound palming the pick then opening up the pots in attack with pick. I told her jay was cool he introduced me to jimmy reed Curtis mayfield to Hendrix in inversions to hammer ons or Billy from ZZ Top those trills. Always learn never stopp adding to your chops kiddo why to this day I am online student of tru fire we explore the fretboard from age 9 to 57 now.
And so I got this email from a guy I met years ago on made in Japan guitars my first one was Tokai a 79 les Paul I bought off another soldier $200 then in 1985 he needed beer money. And I learned to appreciate these instruments not knocking fender or Gibson.
Today there is so much deceit and bull shit in the Mij guitar market you have be careful its trash or treasure example I had an offer to buy a Bachuss guy said it all MIJ it wasnt it was Chinese first clue was head stock no mustache headstock myths about lawsuit guitars is so ignorant people try rip you off.
While back I had guy try sale me Orville by Gibson $2000 sure it has Nitro finish long tenon I look for this in guitar. Does tenon make tonal difference I cant tell does nitro finish make sonic change if you tell me you can hear the difference in long tenon or nitro to Poly finish then Ill assume when I fart your gonna be able to tell me what I had for supper.
Long tenon is just my preference in les Pauls just what I like in les Pauls long tenons and nitro yet my two Burny dynas have poly and these guitars are tone beast . I told the guy with the Orville by Gibson we talked through text Ill go $1200 max he was offended I sent him Japan dealer same guitar $1300 free shipping.
Yet Burny super grades to me Im fond of them .I have two both Dyna made these super grades are excellent players ,so this guy Ive dealt with out of Seattle online has a Burny super grade RLG -80 its cosmetically a dog chipped buckle rash gonna need fret job yet its a kasuga super Grade made guitar. Dyna Burny and Kasuga Burnys if you find one get it and it so beat up he only wants $675 Im gonna buy it. Its gonna need new frets and tuners the rosewood gonna need oiled before I put in new frets.
Why because oh well I can and I want it Kasuga Burnys are rare it will be my new project Ill strip it then take it to a excellent luthier I know to re paint it the Burst and dam right go nitro Ill fix it up yet I wont try painting after stripping it tried it once never again. Doing wash boys at work they volunteered to cover so people could be with their families today and its double time holiday pay for them at grocery store. They started 06:00 store closes today noon so all can be off if you do Easter.
Well Im doing worsh as my Appalachian grandmother used to call it this is just a ramble of a 57 year old dyslexic teamster. Have great day however you gonna do it D.U. Community

The Polack MSgt
(13,532 posts)Pet the dogs and hug the kids for me.
(14,135 posts)You gonna be on KP today per Mrs she out ranks you my first Plt sgt in 325 PIR yea E-7 yet his wife a fine woman who introduced me to kimchi out ranked him
I mentioned once explaining to my SFC under the stars one night in our two man hole we both dug you ever see that Daffy Duck looney tunes sgt where Mrs Daffy tells him
Sit on that egg or Ill slap your bill off that you and your Mrs
Seriously she came barracks once looking for him cuz we was all drinking he had go home.
He was fine NCO.
(95,902 posts)I wasn't sure what the Dumble tone was so I checked the interwebs. I found an adequate demo
With some of the pedals you have. I like the tone, I can see where it has many applications. So cool for your students!
Rock on!

(4,534 posts)Happy Easter, Duncanpup