Related: About this forumWith my cataracts
I have noticed that I have been letting the camera do the focusing and hoping it is alright.
I'll be getting surgery on my dominant right eye soon. So I have been trying to use my left eye to look through the view finder.
Talk about old dogs and new tricks. I in horizontal mode have to close my right eye to find the damn thing. Vertical isn't as bad. Need to work on my muscle memory to use the left eye.
Fun stuff.

(17,757 posts)My advice to you would be to get the premium (bi-focal) replacement lenses. I didn't because I am a tightwad, and I have been regretting it for the last 12 years. I have bought enough Family Dollar readers to have paid the extra five grand.
George McGovern
(6,050 posts)both my 71-year-old eyes were corrected for far vision. Near vision is clear with an inexpensive pair of readers. Now when I look through the camera's viewfinder everything is clear and crisp. It's an inconvenience to have to see the camera's displays through the reading glasses, but I found an eyeglass strap to hold them around my neck or on my forehead. I am pleased with the outcome. Ideally I'd have opted for perfect vision in both eyes but we could not have afforded it.
It'll take some getting used to post-op. Using an eye cup at night temporarily, applying eye drops, wiping away tears, letting any stinging dissipate. My eye doctor recommended a "3 in one" eye drop called Imprimis at $90.00 a bottle. It has worked well.
Best wishes for your experience.
(529 posts)that displays the out of focus parts in color. I haven't actually used it, and it costs about $10, but it might work for you. Of course, the phones usually show you focus on a screen, not a viewfinder, so this may not be helpful, I recognize.
Old Crank
(5,364 posts)I could see where it would be nice for macro setting. I don't Apple stuff. On the phone screen my good eye does all the work. One reason I didn't notice the deterioration sooner.
(29,031 posts)The only complaint I have about mine is that I didn't have it years earlier. It made so much difference.
I didn't realize I had a problem until just recently. I thought some of the issues were due to my progressive lens glasses and not finding the best spot to look through the viewfinder.
Most everyone says they like the results. My mother liked hers also done back in the dark ages.