Related: About this forumI went down to the beach today. The waves were great; here's a couple of examples:

(138,720 posts)CaliforniaPeggy
(153,130 posts)Out of about 280 exposures, I got maybe 10 that were this good. And maybe 20 more that were OK.
(24,156 posts)CaliforniaPeggy
(153,130 posts)I can see why!
(276 posts)Woo! Nice photos, but a bit unsettling!
Happy New Year!
(36,211 posts)That second photo .. WOW!
(153,130 posts)I was very pleased (to say the least!) to have caught that one.
The glare was horrible; most of the time, I was shooting right into it. But that was the direction that the best waves were coming from.
(9,538 posts)I miss those CA waves
(153,130 posts)I'd heard that we were having high waves and that's why I went down.
We don't get them this high very often; in fact, it's rare here.
Needless to say, there were a lot of people there today!
(5,346 posts)I'm envious. Enjoy.
(153,130 posts)I did have a good time. I also got tired, lugging around my big 100 to 400mm Olympus lens!
But that lens really delivers, so I don't mind too much.
As I mentioned to HAB911, we rarely get waves this high. I'm really glad I made the effort to see and to catch some of them.
(5,346 posts)The_REAL_Ecumenist
(899 posts)Spent the majority of my childhood in LA but have lived here in the North State for the better part of 41 years. Just wanted to complement your photos. I usually lurk and just admire but I wanted to ask you what region of California are you in?
(153,130 posts)I live in Southern CA, not far from LAX.
Grumpy Old Guy
(3,704 posts)Those waves are insane, as are the people standing out at the end of the pier. I hope you didn't do that.
(153,130 posts)I want you to know that the ONLY reason I didn't get out to the end of the Pier is because my legs were getting tired and I still had to walk back to my car!
I got most of the way out, though. I wanted to get right on top of at least some of those waves . . . and I did.
Thanks so much!
(6,447 posts)just beautiful - well done!
(153,130 posts)malaise
(281,661 posts)Happy New Year to you and yours my dear CaliforniaPeggy 😀
(153,130 posts)Happy New Year to you and yours as well!
Bo Zarts
(25,925 posts)So how 'bout some pics of your surfboard, Peg!
(153,130 posts)Can't you just see me, at 80 years old, on a fucking surfboard???
Me either.
Glad you like the photos.
(57,272 posts)
(153,130 posts)fierywoman
(8,236 posts)Your photography never ceases to astound and delight me.
(153,130 posts)Deuxcents
(21,256 posts)CaliforniaPeggy
(153,130 posts)PoindexterOglethorpe
(27,427 posts)I thought everyone was warned to stay away from the beach.
(153,130 posts)We have a fairly deep beach, and access was restricted onto it. Most people, like me, saw it from the Pier which is safely elevated over the waves.
There were lots of people up on the Pier! Many taking photos too.
And I saw a lifeguard riding a jetski while he looked for anyone in trouble in the water, but nobody was surfing here.
Hope you enjoyed the photos. My life was secure as I took them.
(26,329 posts)...on the shore. Beautiful!
(153,130 posts)There was a fair amount of that, but not bad. The surface lacy waves hiss as they hit the beach. I find it fascinating!
Glad you enjoyed!
(645 posts)The spray is like ocean snow in those photos. Love them.
(153,130 posts)Thanks for your observant remarks! It does look like that.
(5,609 posts)I especially like the second one!
(153,130 posts)It sure has that "wow" factor! I felt very lucky to have captured it.
(5,609 posts)But your skill is evident, too!
(153,130 posts)Some days I don't feel skilled at all! But that's just part of being human.
(11,260 posts)The colors are stunning. Thank you for posting these photos.
(153,130 posts)My skill thanks you, as does my PaintShopPro program and my ability to see what's good!
Sharing's in my blood.
(19,707 posts)But the second one is so dramatic and has great detail. Those waves look like they're made of spun sugar!
(153,130 posts)The things that you pointed out are the reasons I chose these 2 to post.
(509 posts)Per Jeff Spicoli:
All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and Im fine.
(153,130 posts)Very cool quote too.
(7,880 posts)
(153,130 posts)I didn't do that . . . since no such photo exists!
Glad you enjoyed!
(52,670 posts)Was like "the perfect storm". I saw the local news and they all made it out OK. One guy said he'd go again, not me...and I love roller coasters and scary rides.
(153,130 posts)I love to whale watch, but not when the sea looks like that!
Glad you like my photos!
(3,723 posts)lives to save them.
Nope, just nope! Some stupidity is just criminal IMHO. Thanks for posting the video.
H2O Man
(76,267 posts)CaliforniaPeggy
(153,130 posts)mnhtnbb
(32,341 posts)ever seeing when I lived in L.A.!
Normal storm sized waves in the Atlantic, yes, but not the Pacific. It's always a thrill to capture something different, isn't it?
Thanks for sharing your beach trip with us.
(153,130 posts)Waves of this size and ferocity are truly rare here. I can't remember ever seeing waves of this size.
You bet I was thrilled!
Thank you for your lovely remarks! Sharing is in my DNA.
(2,987 posts)an unfair advantage in wave height!
Typical wave on Right hand shore:
(153,130 posts)The storms have changed all that.
(1,230 posts)The textures and palette of the first shot are crazy cool.
The movement is palpable in the second shot, and those glassy bottle-greens with a dusting then an avalanche of foam are hypnotic, stop-motion, capture the majesty and power of Mother Ocean.
Story ends, singing starts at the 2 minute mark.
(153,130 posts)And for the song. It's beautiful.
Trueblue Texan
(3,217 posts)These are breathtaking! I'm going to try to paint them when I get back home. I love painting water better than almost are great too! Thanks so much for posting these!!
(153,130 posts)Best of luck to you!
I had to post them--what good is beauty if nobody can see it?
(2,940 posts)Great pictures!
(153,130 posts)Joinfortmill
(17,509 posts)Just saying.
(153,130 posts)There are most likely many photos of curling waves that look a lot like mine.
Not sure what you're getting at. How about a clue?