Newly powerful Grijalva prepares to challenge Trump administration
WASHINGTON – When Raúl Grijalva showed up on Capitol Hill for his first congressional portrait more than 16 years ago, he didn’t yet own a tie.
”They said, ‘Mr. Grijalva, we’ll take your picture tomorrow, when you have a tie,’ ” the Democratic congressman-elect told The New York Times in late 2002. So, he hustled to the local Men’s Wearhouse. ”I knew I was going to need one of those. I just didn’t know it was going to be that soon.”
Since then, the former Arizona community organizer has gotten more familiar with the ways of Washington.
Grijalva is now a powerful committee chairman in the U.S. House of Representatives, where he’s beginning his 9th term representing Tucson. At the helm of the Natural Resources Committee, Grijalva is leading the newly empowered House Democrats as they pursue an ambitious oversight agenda targeting the Trump administration.
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