Related: About this forumMy voter registration seems to have disappeared
I have not missed an election, on any level, since I turned 18 and could vote.
I moved within the city of Chicago a few years ago. I have voted since then. I even requested and received a duplicate voter's registration card a few months ago because I misplaced the original.
I am now not on any registration list in Illinois. I went online to check where early voting was for my district. Because I have lived in 3 different districts in the last 7 years, and because I seem to have a bad memory for it, I couldn't recall my current district. So I used the online "check if you're registered" tool to find which district I currently reside.
Nothing. They have nothing for that name at that address. So I checked all my previous addresses. Nothing. So I called. Nothing.
Thank goodness Illinois has the grace period registration. I will go in today, reregister and vote.
Has this happened to anyone else? I can't even believe it. How does it disappear? Had I just waited until election day and gone to my polling place only to find out I couldn't vote, I would have been devastated

(23,156 posts)but occasionally voter rolls get purged. They need purging because people die or move, and it's beyond unwieldy to have multiple names of voters at the same address, when maybe only one or two of them are valid. Maybe you got caught in that kind of a purge. Another possibility is that someone with the same name, or even a similar name, moved to another state and when registering there, a purge notice was sent to Illinois. I'm not even sure that actually happens, but it's a possibility. Or, you may have the same or similar name as a felon, someone who has lost the right to vote, and so you got dumped also. The possibilities are endless.
In regards to keeping old names on the lists, just last week someone showed up at my doorstep from a non-partisan group (forget which one she named) and asked for the person I bought my house from over five years ago. My name wasn't on her list, even though I'm registered at that address. And I know they still have my registration because I early voted at the beginning of this week.
I didn't even know they purged like that. Makes sense. My sister and mom moved out of state and used to live in my house.
(10,849 posts)marym625
(17,997 posts)I assume you are being sarcastic? I live in Chicago. Trying to get rid of the Democratic voters would be a very difficult thing to do.
(18,402 posts)That site always has worked well for me.
If you received a voter registration card a few months ago, you're registered. Perhaps if you used the Illinois rather than Chicago site (above) your new information had not been properly entered. I frankly wouldn't trust the state site.
You should (a) call the Chicago Board of Elections to verify; and/or (b) call your alderman's office. Your alderman should also be able to give you a list of the closest early voting sites in your area. Or you can check it here--the full list of early voting sites is provided by the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners. You may use ANY early voting site in the city. It does not have to be in your district. Show them your card. You should be good to go:
PS: THe card you were sent should have your federal and state districts as well as Cook County and judicial districts (it's a lot of different numbers). At the Chicago Bd of Elections site, you can also download a sample ballot that reflects the races in each of your districts--that is, if it has your registration verified.
(17,997 posts)I can't find the new card either. I have a habit of putting things in "safe places' only to have no clue where that is later. A bit of a scatter brain when it comes to that.
I did use that website and that is where I called. I guess I just got purged.
Thank you for all the information.
(18,402 posts)I'd call.
(17,997 posts)I was told I am not on the list.
I am going in today. I will find my card and bring it with me.
Thank you very much
(25,200 posts)That's a really good way to find out if something is wrong before the general election.
(17,997 posts)That's why I'm so blown away I am not showing up anywhere.
Maybe Ishould call the State instead of Chicago. Don't know if they have access to different databases or not, but I'll give it a shot.
Thank you
(21,646 posts)And could not get to all the places she needed to go on election day to try and right it ( no car, late in the day)
Big Bush 1 hater
& sure did not want the son in but could not vote. Same address 25 years and always voted
It happens but now we can go online to check ahead which is progress
Eta City of Chicago is where it happened
(17,997 posts)Can't fathom anything else
Yeah, I bet she was steamed. I am so happy I checked and even happier for grace period registration