Related: About this forumWhat a run-off means for Rahm Emanual
It means he better change his shorts, cuz no matter how you cut it, it ain't purdy.
Colon, his top supporter in the Council lost. Two other close supporters are in run-offs, too. Suarez, Alderman AND Deputy Mayor for Rahm, (who ruled the Council with an iron fist) has a run-off.
For Rahm to fail to crack 50% means that his many millions did not help. It means that Obama's Netanyahu-like visit on the eve of the election did not help. (Hint to Obama - Stay out of this local race if you don't want to get splattered with the upcoming mud fight). It means that many people stayed home because they did not want to go and vote for Rahm. It means that Rahm has pretty much peaked, and is in serious trouble in the April election. It also means the Bruce Rauner's closest mayoral friend in the state may not be there after April.

(3,795 posts)Rahm is everything that's wrong with today's Democratic Party.
(28,017 posts)in Chicago for the gov's race? You think that happened by accident? No way, not those kind of "accidents."
Robocalls to likely Quinn supporters giving them bad information about where and when to vote, calls to election judges in strong Quinn areas, telling them they weren't needed, machines that seemed to keep putting in Rauner, no matter how many times you pressed Quinn while voting?
There should have been a federal investigation of that election, given who orchestrated it was.
Rahm also refused to endorse Quinn, and undermined his campaigning subtlely throughout the campaign.
Rahm and Rauner made their fortunes in the same industry. They are friends, they promised to support each other when in office.
To hell with both of them.
(3,795 posts)fredamae
(4,458 posts)of "democrats" who want Us to believe "they're" Democrats.
We got rid of a "corrupted" "dem" Guv in OR...
I hope this is a signal that the "E'ffn Retarded" (rahms reference-not mine) Dem Wing is cleaning house. And I hope the "dems" continue to ignore our complaints, because...hopefully...we Now have a crystal clear laser like focus on "them" for the upcoming elections.
(28,017 posts)That is the biggest message of all.
(4,458 posts)now rising rapidly....and with a soon to be "un-ignorable" dB......even for the "dems" who choose to bury head in sand.....
Jack Rabbit
(45,984 posts)I like to think of myself as a "democrat" before I am a "Democrat." That means I believe in democracy, something Rahm does not believe in any more than the King of Saudi Arabia or Charlie Koch.
Nothing would make a democrat happier than seeing Hizzoner booted out.
This democrat is tired of "Democrats" who push the TPP and austerity economics and call democrats "retards".
(72,174 posts)fioretti got pasted.
i havent really dug through all the results yet.
but i would say results were mixed. joe moore, who was targeted as "rahm's man" won w 2/3 of the vote. (tho his opponent ran one of the lamest campaigns EVAH.)
i'm glad to see that money isnt everything, tho.
(28,017 posts)has the best chance of all the others. For the run-off, he has the best chance to beat Rahm.
That Moore election had me scratching my head. I almost thought the opponent was a puppet, set up by Rahmbo.
(72,174 posts)Last edited Thu Feb 26, 2015, 12:09 PM - Edit history (1)
i bemoaned the lack of a decent challenger rather loudly.
the guy looks like bernie kerick, to boot.
he mistook internet complainers for real support. and because he took some truly dirty money 8 years ago, he decided to take zero money this time.
the guy didnt even have a pass piece, let alone a mailer.
and he walked right past real issues, like my farm, to concentrate on insulting moore and making mountains out of mole hills. let his goons post some real slime on the local boards, where he would not post. he only posted on his own fb page, and let his trolls spread it around.
yeah, a truly sad candidate.
if ctu had fielded someone here, they would have probably won.
Peregrine Took
(7,567 posts)Get used to it.
(72,174 posts)edited a pronoun to make it clearer.
i am fine w chuy. i agree he is a good man. i just hope it is not a repeat of harold's victory. if gridlock ensues, i hope he can squash it.
(72,174 posts)i know people told him that the trump combover was a bad thing.
his tax troubles were probably his biggest drag, tho.
(5,644 posts)Emanuel and Garcia got a total of approximately 350k votes. There are at least 700k black voters in Chicago and apparently they were not interested in voting at all...even with Obama bombarding the radio stations and TV airing all day and night for Rahm.
I don't know many of those that were up against Rahm, but apparently I didn't know Rahm as well as I should have either. But one thing I know, no matter how angry they are with Rahm, they'd better get their behinds out there in April an vote that mf out.
(33,424 posts)Stellar
(5,644 posts)Mitchell: African-American voters send a message to Rahm Emanuel
Posted: 02/24/2015, 09:17pm | Mary Mitchel
For Emanuel to regain the support he had in the black community, its going to take more than commercials and presidential hugs.
Hes going to have to show some humility.
I guarantee you now he knows the significance of the black vote, Austin said.
(33,424 posts)Yeah they sent a message alright. By voting for him.
(5,644 posts)But Rahm cratered in black neighborhoods, and even among white liberals in the North Side and Far North Side. Interestingly, turnout sunk in Central Chicago, an area that Rahm did well in. If pro-Rahm voters didn't show up because of complacency, the primary results should snap them out of it. But if they stayed at home because of a lack of enthusiasm about the mayor, he has a bigger problem on his hands.
And at the same time you said black folk voted for him overwhelmingly, right...I think not. And if they did, it was hardly enough and not the usual.
(33,424 posts)to show where I said "black folk voted for him overwhelmingly, " That is a false statement. I said he won the AA wards. Which he did. Turnout was low all over the city. Because of the weather.
(5,644 posts)But....."Emanuel won all of the AA wards". For a low turn out maybe, especially if there were let me say, five people in every A.A. ward that came out to vote and they voted for Rahm, Okay. You win.
(33,424 posts)So the same can be said about all the candidates vote totals. There will be an excuse in April also, I'm sure.
(52,795 posts)Who is he, where's he from . . What he likes..
(28,017 posts)well liked, respected, currently on the Cook County Board of Commisioners - so he understands how large administrative orgs work. He accurately puts himself in the Harold Washington mold, and is very progressive.
Has a master's I think, either from U of I or U of C. I met him several years ago. Nice fellow.
(72,174 posts)tongue in cheek on that, but not far off. an association that has done him well. he was an alderman then.
later cook county commissioner, and after leaving public office started a neighborhood based 501.
he is a good man. he is a populist.
it is sorta clash of the titans, i think.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)PedXing
(57 posts)For whichever Democrat emerges. This is how the DLC gained its power.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)They ran Clinton as a Liberal and then he governed as a Conservative and they had the NERVE to point to his winning as PROOF Liberalism was dead.
(57 posts)And I suspect Hillary plans to as well, but her oratory skills are not up to the task.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)But then, most people don't know what "Liberal" actually is. There are Liberal people who call themselves "Conservative" and are convinced "Liberal" is a dirty word and are often shocked to see where they score on a test.
Peregrine Took
(7,567 posts)up to the position he has today - began working the 3rd shift in a candy factory.