State Of Illinois Launches New Interactive Tool To Help Students Choose The Right College
SPRINGFIELD Choosing a college is an important decision that can be overwhelming without the right information. Today, the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE), the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB), and the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) launched a new collaborative project that makes it easier for students and parents to make an informed college choice.
Unlike third-party college search tools that collect data from the same sources that are often out of date or incomplete, the Illinois Postsecondary Profiles (IPP) project utilizes comprehensive data directly from Illinois higher education state agencies and Illinois 160 public and private universities and community colleges.
We are incredibly excited to give students and families a way to filter, search, and sort the kind of information that is most important to them in choosing a college, including a focus on equity. With the IPP families have information all in one place and know that it is accurate and up to date because it comes from the colleges directly to us as state agencies, said IBHE Executive Director Ginger Ostro.