Ameren Illinois Lineman Performs Lifesaving Act For Family In Need At Rock Spring Park
ALTON - Joe Rister performs what most consider heroic acts nearly every day he is on the job in his role as Ameren Illinois lineman. On January 13, 2022, Joe was driving down College Avenue in Alton finishing his day when a woman pulled abruptly into Rock Spring Park. Joe has been a lineman for Ameren Illinois for 35 years and is well-known around the Alton-Godfrey area.
Joe immediately saw the woman had a problem and stopped and tried to help her and a passenger in her car.
“I saw her jump out of the driver’s side door of her car and as soon as she opened the passenger door, I saw someone hunched over on the dash,” she said. “I asked her if I could help and she said, ‘please, my daughter is having an epileptic seizure.’”
“The woman’s name was Lara Walker and her daughter’s name was Taylor. The woman couldn’t find Taylor’s epileptic medicine as it had dropped in between the seats. I found it quickly and handed it to the mother to administer to her daughter. Taylor was in bad shape but got better after she was handed the medicine. She became responsive after she was given the medicine in quick fashion.”