Related: About this forumRemember Iowans - tomorrow morning we are still Democrats and the enemy is Republicans
not each other.
Whether you back Bernie, Hillary or Martin, tomorrow morning we wake up as Democrats and the enemy is not us but those greedy, lying SOBs who want to hand the country and our sons and daughters over to the highest bidder.
Once all the foofarah is done on our side remember that we MUST unite to literally save the country and our democracy. I promise you whoever the nominee is come summer i am 100% behind he or she and will donate and work for their election.
Anybody got a problem with that?
Now it's time for a nap - I got a long night ahead of me.
Best wishes for a good caucus.
(3,133 posts)those are the enemy. and don't forget climate change!
The senate just voted it's not man made!!!
(63,330 posts)and damned proud of it.
Grassley goes for the stupid vote in Iowa of which there seems to be a growing amount.
what's the point of winning if it only perpetuates the status quo. HRC is Stat us quo. If she wins. ..they win. She is They.
(45,654 posts)Hyperbole is fun and all. But it is just hyperbole.
Rural lib, thanks for the thread.
(1,252 posts)That is where integrity counts. Bernie has shown consistency in his positions for decades. Hill changes her positions daily in the issues and with different audiences. She is Goldman Sachs.
(63,330 posts)and if you decide not to vote if Hillary is our nominee then you may as well say you're supporting republicans.
Yes, Hillary won't push for some of the radical changes Bernie and many of us want (yes - me included) and she may change her positions.
Bernie is a very rare politician who came to solid values early and measures against those values. He is a rare bird. To be honest Democrats would never elect anyone if they expect purity from all their politicians.
Hillary will work for changes and will work for women, minorities and working folks. She didn't get the endorsements she did only because people fear her or something. No, there is depth and empathy there. Again, she is running against a rare politician in Sanders.
So please don't say "I won't vote for Hillary and therefore I will help Ted Cruz become president."
I am for Bernie also, but the thought of someone much worse that W,HW or Reagan scares the shit out of me. In 2008 Obama was to me way too corporate, but when he became the nominee and it was him or that idiot from Arizona there wasn't any doubt in my mind who to work for.
(1,252 posts)That doesn't cut it with me. I got my voice. I got my vote. I will vote for the real change. If I don't see the difference between D and R on the issues that will affect millions of people then I will not vote for the lesser of two evils. I will cast my vote for none of the above. Does it matter? This might all be decided by coin toss or after hours number tallying in back rooms away from the prying eyes of the people. It may be decided by software like Ohio in '04. It may be decided by hanging Chad like Florida in 2000. Dirty. Dirty. Dirty politics. So I believe my voice and vote matters only as a message to the Oligarchs. You may win or steal it but you won't be adored.
(63,330 posts)Just remember that when repubs end social security and medicare and the ACA and we have hot wars all ovcer the place.
(1,252 posts)Bluzmann57
(12,336 posts)We simply cannot have a repuke in the White House. The idea of President Cruz scares the shit out of me, and same with Rubio.
(1,252 posts)Hillary is a Republicrat. Or maybe a Demoplican. I guess it depends on the hour.
(18,470 posts)I've unfollowed several people who are getting stupid in their support or dislike of both Clinton and Sanders.
These people have forgotten that the other candidate and their supporters are not the enemy.
The enemies are the Republicans.