Santa Fe priest says he has no remorse for referring to coronavirus as 'China virus'
Santa Fe, N.M. - A local Catholic priest who has a history of politicizing the pulpit said Wednesday he didnt feel any remorse for referring to the coronavirus as the China virus, even though the term has been deemed racist and xenophobic.
In a typed message recently posted on the front doors of St. Anne Parish at the corner of Hickox and Alicia streets, the Rev. Larry Brito wrote that confessions at the church were going to be canceled that day after he had been exposed to a couple who had tested positive for the China/Corna [sic] Virus.
Brito, who has since tested positive for the virus and is in quarantine, said he doesnt believe the term is racist. Thats one of the terms thats used that Ive seen being used, he said.
A spokeswoman for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe did not return a message seeking comment.