Brooklyn Hospital’s Sale, Backed by de Blasio and Cuomo, Is Drawing Federal Scrutiny
The governors office said it had not received a subpoena related to the deal. This administration had no say or role in the sale of LICH but supported resolving this issue and the court fight, said Richard Azzopardi, a spokesman for Mr. Cuomo, adding that SUNY had been losing hundreds of millions of dollars operating the hospital.
City Hall said it had not gotten one either. We will of course share whatever appropriate information is requested of us during any review of this matter, said Eric F. Phillips, the mayors press secretary.
A spokesman for the Campaign for One New York declined to comment on whether it had received a subpoena.
The precise focus of the federal subpoenas related to the hospital and Mr. de Blasios involvement was unclear, but prosecutors attention to 1199 S.E.I.U. could shed light on the overlapping interests at play in the hospitals closing and eventual sale to the developer.
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