Recent panic over black plastic started with a math error BDE-209 is still bad for you. By Andrew Paul Posted Yesterday
Recent panic over black plastic started with a math error
BDE-209 is still bad for you.
By Andrew Paul
Posted Yesterday
(Dec. 18, 2024)

Initial BDE-209 estimates were 12 times higher than the actual number. Credit: Deposit Photos
Deposit Photos
The authors of a study warning against health risks associated with a common plastic found in kitchen utensils and childrens toys have issued a major correction to their report. According to their December 16th announcement, researchers at the environmental health advocacy group, Toxic-Free Future, initially believed people are potentially exposed to decabromodiphenyl ether on a daily basis as much as 12 times more than they actually are. But, as the authors cautioned, even the vastly reduced measurement doesnt change the fact that people shouldnt be ingesting flame-retardants.
First commercialized in the 1970s, decabromodiphenyl ether (also known as BDE-209 or deca-BDE) quickly became a popular bromine-based flame-retardant plastic used in goods like TV and computer cases. Over time, however, research linked it to a host of health issues including cancer , reproductive problems, endocrine disruption, and neurological issues. Companies have since replaced BDE-209 with (possibly also hazardous) alternatives, while the European Union, China, and at least two US states have issued bans on the material.
The industry shift away from BDE-209 hasnt stopped it from still sometimes entering households, however. As Toxic-Free Futures study originally published in Chemospheres October 2024 issue notes, microscopic amounts of recycled black plastic containing the compound are sometimes detectable in common products like spatulas, shipping packaging, and even childrens toys.
Companies continue to use toxic flame retardants in plastic electronics, and thats resulting in unexpected and unnecessary toxic exposures, added study lead author, Megan Liu, in an accompanying announcement at the time. These cancer-causing chemicals shouldnt be used to begin with, but with recycling, they are entering our environment and our homes in more ways than one. The high levels we found are concerning.