Related: About this forumPossible upheaval in PA HD-10
The current R state house member, Aaron Bernstein, is a prolific social media user. That came back to bite him when posts of him doing idiotic things like making his young son smoke a cigar and playing an adult-themed game with another boy came to light.
Bernstein issued an apology and vowed to mature, but to my surprise the state Rs have asked him to resign. I doubt he'll do it, but this district was gerrymandered to elect a Dem and had done so prior to Bernstein winning it 4 years ago. With these videos surfacing, it could return to being a Dem seat.
Also, there's a 3rd party candidate who seems to appeal to the same voters who voted for Bernstein and could siphon votes from him. The Dem candidate is a part of the local community development corporation and appears to have a good bit of support in the communities where she needs it.

(17,289 posts)Then there's THAT defense - "some" of it may be true - but there just may be something "false!"
"So, who, you gonna' believe, your eyes or the lies I'm tell 'ya!"

(16,605 posts)Last year, iirc, he said if protestors would walk in front of his car, he wouldn't stop.
(17,289 posts)regarding "Trumpsters!"
(36,829 posts)
Oh my God this district is so rotten! They mapped this just so Bernstine could win it. These Repukes can't win unless they cheat.
Not only is Bernstine unfit for office, he should be declared an unfit parent.

(16,605 posts)that has a Dem majority. It was represented by Jared Gibbons, a conservaDem, but he paid no attention to the part of the district where a lot of Dem voters reside and got beat by Bernstein 4 years ago.
(16,605 posts)It went into a little depth about each candidate - all of whom are in their mid-30s.
Aaron Bernstine, the R incumbent, is on thin ice after both parties called for his resignation and the local GOP withdrew its endorsement.
Johnathon Peffer, the 3rd party candidate, has a platform that will appeal to plenty of voters who want effecient and effective government. He wants to "close loopholes" and have transparency of how taxdollars are spent by recipients.
Kolby Cole, the Dem candidate, is focused on education. As a AfAm woman, member of the local Community Developmet Corp, and work with a local youth ministry, she's positioned to turn out more AfAm voters than normal. She also has the endorsements of Malcolm Kenyetta and Brian Sims, both current state house reps.
I'm hoping Cole can win with a plurality if Bernstine and Peffer split the center right/rw vote, but based on Peffer's platform, I wouldn't be surprised if he wins.