With a fifth of Virginia's nursing homes failing to meet staffing standards, stakeholders split on s
With a fifth of Virginia’s nursing homes failing to meet staffing standards, stakeholders split on solutions
One fifth of Virginia’s nursing homes are failing to meet expected staffing levels under federal standards. It’s increasing the risk of low quality care, especially for low-income and black Virginians.
That’s according to a new study presented to the General Assembly’s Joint Commission on Healthcare. Lawmakers are looking into various legislative solutions ahead of the 2022 session.
That report also found that Virginia has more nursing homes with low staff ratings than other states.
“Facilities with low staffing are more likely to have poor quality measures in health inspection ratings,” said Associate Health Policy Analyst Kyu Kang. “Low staffing negatively impacts care quality as well as staff and resident well being.”
Among the possible fixes being considered are mandatory staffing standards. Currently, Virginia is in the minority as one of 16 states that doesn’t require a minimum ratio, according to Kang.
But of course the industry is opposed to standards, even minimum ones.....