This man has been trying to live life as a goat
Thomas Thwaites is currently investigating what it might be like to live as a goat.
He commissioned prosthetics for his arms and legs so that he could walk, as comfortably as possible, on all fours. He considered constructing an artificial rumen that would digest grass for him to consume, using actual gut bacteria found in goats. He consulted with a behavioural expert on goats, and even watched as a goat was dissected, to learn more about the animal he wanted to be.
But the best part is that Thwaites also arranged to live as a goat for a few days on a goat farm in the Swiss Alps amongst actual grazing goats.
Thwaites is a conceptual designer based in England with an interest in technology, science and futures research. Previous projects have included ruminations on the future of genetic engineering and a hypothetical god-as-a-service called Nebo. His latest project is similar in that it considers how humans might augment themselves in the future.