Related: About this forumSTOCK MARKET WATCH -- Tuesday, 10 October 2023
STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday, 10 October 2023
Previous SMW:
SMW for 9 October 2023
Dow Jones 33,604.65 +197.07 (0.59%)
S&P 500 4,335.66 +27.16 (0.63%)
Nasdaq 13,484.24 +52.90 (0.39%)
Market Conditions During Trading Hours:
Google Finance
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Gold & Silver:
DU Economics Group Contributor Megathreads:
Progree's Economic Statistics (with links!)
mahatmakanejeeves' Rail Safety Megathread
mahatmakanejeeves' Oil Train Safety Megathread
Quote for the Day:
Like their Puritan forebears, however, Greater New Englanders leavened their moralism with incorrigible commerciality. Successful joint-stock companies were their spiritual Michaelmas feasts, miles of fat white pine logs rafting down the Saginaw, Muskegon, and Au Sable were their harvest homes. Sabbatarians couldn't resist starting all-but-Sunday stagecoach lines. Abolitionists opened up free-grown produce groceries. New Englanders were also, in Hamilton's apt description, "navigating," while southern firebrands like the Cavaliers of the 1640s, rarely knew a foremast from a forecastle. Here again one must be struck by the parallel between the English and American pre-Civil War polarizations.
Which brings us to the question of irrepressibility: Why was another such fight necessary in 1861?
Kevin Phillips. The Cousins' Wars: Religion, Politics, and the Triumph of Anglo-America. Basic Books. © 1999.
This thread contains opinions and observations. Individuals may post their experiences, inferences and opinions on this thread. However, it should not be construed as advice. It is unethical (and probably illegal) for financial recommendations to be given here.

(33,037 posts)
(49,131 posts)and anything incompatible with recession is trending lower by the weeks. That's not to say value stocks are recovering, quite the contrary. It's to say growth is beating the pants off value as only tech heads higher. Also, the bond recovery never materialized, Japan and Asia collapsed, the peace trade is in ER, the overvalued dollar is still heading higher at this point. I personally think this is just the up-cycle of the recent downturn and it will play out into November unless jolted by Middle East news or Speakership breakdowns which are imminent. No matter who they install, the GOP has Congress frozen. There are Tubervilles on a whole range of issues. Trump and MAGA have frozen the government, and all they have to replace it is stagnation, anger, incompetence, and themselves.