STOCK MARKET WATCH: Monday, 20 November 2023
STOCK MARKET WATCH: Monday, 20 November 2023
Previous SMW:
SMW for 17 November 2023

AT THE CLOSING BELL ON 17 November 2023
Dow Jones 34,947.28 +1.81 (0.0052%)
S&P 500 4,514.02 +5.78 (0.13%)
Nasdaq 14,125.48 +11.81 (0.084%)

Gold & Silver:


Quote for the Day:
Something quite unexpected and extraordinary happened: Democrats and Republicans came to the floor without notes to speak in emotional, personal terms in support of the amendment. Senator Comenici spoke about his daughter, I spoke about my brother, Alan Simpson from Wyoming spoke movingly about his beautiful young niece who suffered from depression and took her life at age twenty, Kent Conrad from North Dakota spoke about his young assistant who also took her life. One personal, powerful speech followed another. Rarely have I seen such emotion on the Senate floor.
. . .
There were seventy votes in favor. Kennedy, a longtime champion of treatment for mental illness, looked relieved.
Paul Wellstone. The Conscience of a Liberal: Reclaiming the Compassionate Agenda. Random House. © 2001.
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