Moe ed "deform"? Anyone else gotten emails about them. Some supporting organizations listed.
Alliance for Excellent Education
http://all4ed.org/ Common Core, Digital learning, Deeper Learning http://www.air.org/resource/shape-deeper-learning-strategies-structures-and-cultures-deeper-learning-network-high Not at all sure what this means.
America Achieves
Common Core, Global learning network
Digital Promise
So in a fast-changing world with a future we cannot predict educators must use technology to engage and motivate and personalize learning so all learners reach their full potential.Thats our digital promise
Educators 4 Excellence
Common Core; tenure refoem
Educators Rising
Offeres a virtual campus
Leading Educators
Leading Educators trains our best teachers to lead their colleagues in the pursuit of student success. By investing in middle leaders, schools will better support new teachers and build pipelines of future school leaders. Teacher leadership has the power to truly transform our schools. Learn More
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
Policymakers and education leaders see great value in National Board Certification and National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs). In fact, many states and districts offer salary incentives if you achieve certification.
National Commission on Teaching & Americas Future
The National Commission on Teaching & Americas Future (NCTAF) was founded in 1994 as a bipartisan effort to engage education policymakers and practitioners to address the entrenched national challenge of recruiting, developing, and retaining great teachers in order to ensure that all students have access to quality teaching in schools organized for success.
National Council on Teacher Quality
Ravitch: Just this week, NCTQ released a new report about how teachers colleges prepare students for assessment responsibilities. The theme of this report is that data-driven instruction is the key to success in education. The best districts are those that are obsessive about using data to drive instruction. The Broad Prize is taken as the acme of academic excellence in urban education because it focuses on data, data, data. The report acknowledges that the data it prizes in this report is data derived from student assessments ranging from classwork practice to state tests to improve instruction.
National Institute for Excellence in Teaching
TAP was launched in 1999 as a comprehensive educator effectiveness model that restructures and revitalizes the teaching profession by providing teachers with powerful opportunities for career advancement, ongoing professional development, a fair evaluation system and performance-based compensation.
Stand for Children
Teach For America
Third Way
We've all heard of the last three.
NEA, AFT and National Women's Law Center are listed as well. Wh