Oh, DISGUSTING! Private Sector "Sponsors" of State Sanctioned "Partnership Academies"!!!!11!!11
Just throwing this out there for anyone following wassup in California education "deform" <---- ha ha ha, what a stupid term!
So it seems that some GENIUS thought up this plan to partner PRIVATE SECTOR interests to work with schools and the CA DOE to design three and four-year "Academies" designed to prepare students for particular career pathways.
The CDE provides funds of about $1,000/student/year but it has to be matched by the school and by, GET THIS, by a PRIVATE SECTOR SPONSOR!!!11!!!
Private sector money coming in to support students in careers? WTF???
Oh, and 50% of students have to be at risk of academic failure!!!! That's not FAIR!!!
OMG, keep these CORPORATIST OUT of our classrooms. I mean, what on Earth could a rancher add to the discussion of farming, or an automobile maker add to the discussion of careers in auto design or repair???

Read more about the 500 california partnership academies here: http://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/fo/r17/cpaenergy11rfa.asp
The link above relates to a new round of funding for Renewable Energy Green Sector Careers.
(NB, this post is dripping with sarcasm)