Swamp Hut
Looks really easy to build and modify with your own options...Would love the same hut with a wood burning stove and a door.
boston based studio, moskow linn architects has completed 'swamp huts', a project
originally conceived over 20 years ago. located in newton, massachusetts, the family
compound sits on a ten acre site, where only one eighth of an acre was buildable.
More pics: http://www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/9/view/13563/moskow-linn-architects-swamp-hut.html

(38,982 posts)I've seen other designs similar to that one where they divided up the rooms of a house into separate buildings connected by either open, roofed or totally enclosed walkways.
(4,840 posts)I hope it inspires you as it has me.
(60,025 posts)Anyone seen him around here, btw???
(4,840 posts)I haven't even had the pleasure of meeting Mr. ......Swamp Rat yet.
(60,025 posts)Somewhere along the switch to DU 3, he seems to have gone off the radar.
I miss him.