Related: About this forumIn platform, Black Lives Matter accuses Israel of ‘genocide,’ backs BDS
Source: Times of Israel
Ahead of elections, umbrella group releases document labeling Jewish state an apartheid state, calls for stopping US support
WASHINGTON Following the Republican and Democratic national conventions, groups associated with the Black Lives Matter movement released a platform Monday that labels Israel an apartheid state and excoriates the United States for its alliance with a country it alleges systemically perpetrates a genocide against the Palestinians.
The platform, which demands an end to the war against Black people, marks the campaigns first official entry into Americas debate over specific federal policies. In the past, Black Lives Matter has been noted for its protests against disparities within the nations criminal justice system that disadvantage African-Americans and other minorities.
The document makes 40 specific policy proposals, including abolishing the death penalty, providing free tuition to public universities, and enacting reparations to Black Americans, and addressed matters of US foreign policy in a section titled Invest-Divest.
Highly critical of the Jewish state which it said practices systematic discrimination and has maintained a military occupation of Palestine for decades the platform devoted a section to the US-Israel relationship. The US justifies and advances the global war on terror via its alliance with Israel and is complicit in the genocide taking place against the Palestinian people, the text said.
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Little Tich
(6,171 posts)Source: The Movement for Black Lives Matter
The US military accounts for over 50 percent of discretionary federal spending, a total of 598.5 Billion dollars spent annually, as compared to 70 billion spent on education, 66 billion spent on healthcare, $63.2 billion spent on housing and 29.1 billion spent on social security and unemployment. In addition, approximately 3 billion dollars in US aid is allocated to Israel, a state that practices systematic discrimination and has maintained a military occupation of Palestine for decades. Together with aid to Egypt Israels most important regional ally this figure represents nearly 75 percent of all US aid dollars. As these figures demonstrate, resources and funds needed for reparations and for building a just and equitable society domestically are instead used to wage war against a majority of the worlds communities.
Build invest/divestment campaigns that ends US Aid to Israels military industrial complex and any government with human rights violations.
Fight the expanding number of Anti-BDS bills being passed in states around the country. This type of legislation not only harms the movement to end the Israeli occupation of Palestine, but is a threat to the constitutional right to free speech and protest
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(58,326 posts)oberliner
(58,724 posts)The next five recipients of US aid after Israel are:
Egypt, Jordan, West Bank/Gaza, Ethiopia, and South Sudan.
Are these countries listed in the platform? They don't appear at the link you provided.
Aid to Egypt, Jordan, and the West Bank/Gaza was equal to the amount of aid given to Israel in 2013.
(3,967 posts)Here is where slavery is a problem. The little yellow spot, indicating no slavery, in the map of the middle east is Israel,
they state that this particular plank of their platform - "cutting military funding" is to be implemented by, among other things, cutting all aid to Israel (this is the first point they list on implementing the plank!), supporting BDS by overturning laws against it, etc. And then for each of their planks they say how it will benefit black people. This one will free up funding for black LGBT youth, among other things.
Yes, trade with the Jewish state is the cause of the hardships of black LGBT youth. You heard it hear first.
Or, perhaps, BLM has allied itself with radical anti-Israel activists or been infiltrated by them. In any event, this detracts a lot from their pursuit of other stated goals that directly and clearly do involve improving conditions for blacks in America.
(58,724 posts)Black, non-Arab Africans say the case reveals long-standing racism that threatens the security and livelihoods of Egypt's sizeable sub-Saharan population. While refugees in the country face an overburdened and highly bureaucratic asylum system and aid organisations are underfunded and ill equipped to help them, non-Arab refugees face much more serious problems.
"You can be here 15 years as a recognised refugee and not for a moment of that will you ever be recognised legally or have a home," said Christopher Eades, director of legal programming at AMERA, a British NGO for refugees.
Aid workers believe sub-Saharan refugees are treated by different informal rules than those of Arab origin - excluded from schools, facing hurdles opening businesses and finding work, and hampered in legal cases.
You would think Egypt might get a special mention. it is the right behind Israel in terms of US aid.
(3,387 posts)and Capitalism.
They don't care about Palestinians anymore than they care about Blacks. They are just another group looking to tear down. One more faction of the great Oedipus Complex that is the Left.
(1 post)The Movement for Black Live's policy platform is fantastic, not just for black lives, but as one of the most comprehensive progressive policy platforms I've read.
I think the point we should be taking away is that we should reduce military spending in favor of investing in black communities.
I'm a little disappointed by the lack of nuance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict - which I believe leads to neither liberation for Palestinians or peace for Israelis - and I understand the reasons it may concern Jewish anti-racist activists (and black members of the Jewish community supporting Israel) - but it's one small section of an amazing platform.
(3,387 posts)If you're a Leftist, then sure, it looks great. As a Liberal, it looks as if Black Lives Matter is just using a very serious situation to promote a radical agenda. BLM is writing itself into irrelevance.
Little Tich
(6,171 posts)Source: The Forward
A new platform associated with the Black Lives Matter movement that describes Israel as an apartheid state committing genocide against the Palestinian people has triggered critical responses from Jewish organizations even its allies.
(We) are extremely dismayed at the decision to refer to the Israeli occupation as genocide, a statement from Truah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, read.
Since Black Lives Matter took shape in 2013 to protest police killings of African Americans, Jewish groups across the country have struggled to strike the right tone in their responses to the movement. Activists aligned with Black Lives Matter have frequently visited the occupied Palestinian West Bank in what some call solidarity tours, as recently as July 30.
Black Lives matter has again risen in prominence in the run-up to the presidential election and amidst a spate of video-taped killings, grimly detailed, of African Americans by police. Now the platform, announced on July 3, has prompted several Jewish organizations to more precisely define their relationship to the movement.
Truah is one of several Jewish organizations that have stood with the grassroots movement to end police brutality against African Americans.
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(114,904 posts)It muddies the waters and however much I may condemn certain Israeli actions- they are not committing genocide. Not by any legal or philosophical definition.