Most Israelis support referendum on two states
Source: Jerusalem Post
The founders of “Decision at 50” sent a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calling on him to adopt the referendum proposal for “the most critical decision for the future of Israel."
Sixty percent of Israelis support having the government hold a referendum on whether the public backs a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a poll found on Monday.
The research also found that 58% of Israeli adults support the idea of “two states for two nations” as the way to solve the conflict. Of Israelis with an opinion on the matter, 87% voiced opposition to “one, binational state” as a solution.
The poll by Smith Research was commissioned by MK Eitan Broshi (Zionist Union), who has joined a campaign together with left-wing NGOs called “Decision at 50,” advocating for a national referendum on the matter. The “50” in the name represents 50 years since the Six Day War, which will be marked in June.
Broshi pointed out that “most of the public wants two states for two nations and to preserve a Jewish State, and the vast majority oppose a solution of one, binational state. The Right in Israel is lying to itself when its leadership in practice promotes a binational state through uncontrolled construction in Judea and Samaria, trying to break the Palestinians’ territorial continuity and prevent the future possibility of separating from the Palestinians.”
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