Related: About this forumAnother great essay from The Guardian about Palestine and Israel and reality.
Lucky Luciano
(11,589 posts) Hamas is an indigenous movement in Palestine. It draws support from civilians; its combatants can disappear and find sustenance among other residents of Gaza. Evidence shows Israels unbridled assault has caused an increase in support for the Islamist movement among Palestinians, enhancing its resilience.
(2,335 posts)He did not. Alarming though that you make such a leap of logic:
Some civilians support Hamas. Therefore all civilians in Gaza are legitimate military targets, so it's acceptable to kill them.
This is the definition of collective punishment, a war crime.
Also, you do realize that half of Gaza's civilians are kids, right?
Lucky Luciano
(11,589 posts)
where it specifically says that Hamas fighters find material support and comfort from civilians. To me, that means those civilians effectively ARE Hamas and deserve their full comeuppance for being fucking savages. I was actually on their side pre October 7. Not anymore
at all. They can take their Ghengis Khan methodologies and shove it up their collective asses.
As for other collateral damage, yes, war is hell. Specifically targeting kids, though, I would absolutely agree is a war crime. Killing Hamas fighters and those who support them (which means they are also Hamas) is fully righteous even if there is collateral damage.
Putin specifically targeted a kids hospital
yeah that had no military justification at all. War crime. Hang him.