Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumAny tarot readers here?
I was on my morining walk and found a tarot card in the grass beside the road. I picked it up and it was the 8 of Wands and reversed when I first picked it up. About a half a mile later I found another card lying in the street right in front of me. Picked it up and it's the 7 of Pentacles upright. Both cards were face down when I saw them.
Care to comment on possible meanings?

(3,201 posts)Scrivener7
(54,505 posts)The reversed 8 of wands talks about frustrating delays in a project, and possibly the need to take your hand off the throttle or wait things out for a bit.
The upright 7 says to look at the long term and a project will go well in the end.
So kinda the same message from both.
Do you have a project that's being delayed that you're frustrated about?
(14,559 posts)so that's always an issue.
(4,473 posts)Upthevibe
(9,437 posts)I recommend a group right here on DU
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I love tarot! At this time I'm not a reader but a friend is giving me a deck she's never used. I've had my cards read by others many times.
(14,559 posts)I'm not religeous in any way. My philosophy of life is to get through today without screwing up tomorrow. Not as easy as it sounds. Beyond that anything someone believes is just fine with me as long as it doesn't cause harm. The major difference between me and any devout person is that I know I'm wrong.
Dale in Laurel MD
(767 posts)I'd say that whoever lost them is now not playing with a full deck.