Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumPPP poll: 12 million Americans believe lizard people run the USA the main result table is a fascinating breakdown between Obama and Romney voters, which indicates that some CTs such as "global warming is a hoax" are very political. It appears that 54% of Romney voters believe in a conspiracy to assassinate JFK, versus 47% of Obama voters, which contradicts a frequent insinuation tossed around here. In general, it appears that Republicans are much more inclined toward conspiracism.
But for some reason, "Bush intentionally misled on Iraq WMDs" is on the list (heavily Democratic, of course), so it turns out I must be a conspiracy theorist after all.

(6,908 posts)bush intentionally misled public about wmd
cia started crack epidemic
(12,241 posts)Iraq WMDs. Well, maybe he himself was kept in the dark, but his administration knew the WMD hoopla was PNAC-inspired bs. I don't go along with any LIHOP or MIHOP notions, but when 911 happened, Bushco saw it as an opportunity to ultimately invade Iraq.
I believe it's possible there are lifeforms on other planets, but I don't believe any ETs have ever visited Earth.
Bolo Boffin
(23,872 posts)Quantess
(27,630 posts)According to the graph. I bet a good number of them are meth users.
(70 posts)So, it looks like Mr. Mojo Risin' is alive and well after all.
Just think what a Doors reunion album would do for the music industry's bottom line!
(1,259 posts)I don't think it's crazy to think aliens might be ultimate control. I'm not saying it's true, but I don't think thinking this makes you crazy. It explains our world as well as anything else, frankly.
(10,745 posts)Unfortunately, there's also plenty of people who believe that missiles brought down the WTC buildings & the Pentagon, or that Israel controls American Middle East policy,
and that climate change is either a hoax, or, on the other absurd extreme, something that will destroy all civilization and/or end humanity, and that the IPCC is deliberately covering up the true extent & severity of climate change.....and, speaking of nuttiness, I've even seen some real nutty New Agey B.S. being thrown around, especially by some of our nuttier members(including, for example, one Speck Tater before his ass got zapped), particularly involving sudden quantum climate shifts(without corresponding increases in greenhouse gas activity), David Wasdell's "Earth Systems" crapola(don't believe me? He threw out a climate sensitivity number of 7.8*C per doubling!) and other such complete fucking nonsense(there was even one wacko who claimed that global warming was causing an increase in autism cases! Can't remember his name, though.).
You've also got plenty of people who claim that Obama's a secret Republican out to destroy the 99%, and let's not get started on the other, even more radical extreme B.S., on the right-wing side(you know, Obama is a secret Muslim/Communist/Fascist, that sort of bullshit?).