Women's Rights & Issues
Related: About this forumReproductive Rights are Still Human Rights--Even if the Trump Administration Won't Say So
Reproductive Rights are Still Human RightsEven if the Trump Administration Wont Say So
The Country Report on Human Rights Practices (CRHRP), compiled and submitted to Congress every year by the State Department, provides a detailed account of the status of human rights policies around the world. But the 2018 reportthe first to be released under the Trump Administrationwas missing something. This year, the CRHRP didnt include coverage of reproductive health and rights.
In 2012, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton added to the CRHRP a designated section on reproductive rights, requiring the department to evaluate abortion access, contraception and maternal and child health overseas and include their data in the final report. Under Clintons leadership and in the years that followed, the CRHRP provided a well-rounded overview of womens reproductive rights across the globeincluding information on whether the general population is able to freely practice their reproductive rights, existing policies affecting or pertaining to reproductive rights in that country and any barriers, threats, concerns or failures to uphold reproductive rights by state governments.
Now, for the first time in six years, the report doesnt include any detailed information on the status of global reproductive rightsexcept for one section titled coercion in population control, which harkens back to earlier claims by the administration that the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), which lost $32.5 million in funding from the U.S. under Trumps leadership, participates in coercive abortion policies and forced sterilizations in tandem with the Chinese government. That wasnt true then, and evidently is not true nowseeing as this new section in the report affirms that there were no reports of coerced abortion, involuntary sterilization or other coercive population control methods.
The Trump administrations disregard for womens human rights abroad, and in particular their access to reproductive and sexual heath care, is by now par for the course. Omitting [this] issue, Amnesty International said in a statement about the CRHRP, signals the Trump administrations latest retreat from global leadership on human rights. It certainly wasnt Trumps firstand women in the U.S. and abroad have no reason to believe it will be his last.
During his campaign, Trump claimed that women who obtain abortions should be punished. His running mate and now-Vice President, Mike Pence, has called for Roe to find its place on the ash heap of history. Trumps attacks on abortion domestically have persisted, and the dangerous decisions of his administration have also extended that war on women to the global stage. Within days of his inauguration, Trump re-instated and expanded the deadly Global Gag Rule, putting health care providers and facilities around the world at risk of massive funding cuts and millions of womens lives in danger. At a closed-door meeting in March at the UNs Commission on the Status of Women, administration officials allegedly referred to the U.S. as a pro-life nation. And just last week, Trumps nominee to head up the State Department, Mike Pompeo, was approveddespite his obvious contempt for abortion rights and womens rights.
This administration can do their best to erase womens rights, but women wont go back. And as Clinton herself famously declared: reproductive rights are (still) human rights, whether federal officials want to admit as much or not.

(1,731 posts)As always, thanks for making another great post. So many worthy news topics and/or happenings are being lost in the trump fog. Thanks for taking the time to raise this issue. Being able to control our reproduction is critical, plain and simple. Our right to do so should be absolute.
Stay strong and keep up the terrific work, Niyad. Peace and blessings to you and yours.
(122,587 posts)I am speaking to an empty room.
(1,731 posts)More see than you think. Some just aren't as comfortable with putting their thoughts and musings into words. Your post are so well written that I've found myself hesitant to respond. Not because they weren't thought provoking and praise worthy, but rather I thought my responses would not be adequate. I mean.....what could I really add to the conversation?
Stop being so excellent! LOL! Just kidding. Keep raising the bar and please keep posting.
(122,587 posts)those who have much more information than I, and write much better!!