Related: About this forumThis Is My Abortion
Actually this isn't mine, it is someone else's, but I can share my story as well. When I found out I was pregnant there wasn't a question in my mind about the course of action I had to take. I did not want to change my life at all, I enjoyed my freedom. I didn't want or need a child. I scheduled the abortion and a week later I was no longer pregnant.
It was no big deal, done in an afternoon. I even convinced my special someone to do his part and get a vasectomy, he wanted a child even less than I did fortunately
Lining the street in front of the clinic were a dozen or so protesters. They held up large banners with anti-abortion slogans, religious iconography, and images of dead babies.
Just past the bulletproof security doors, the graphic nature of that imagery haunted me in the waiting room. What would my abortion look like? I decided to secretly document my abortion with my cell phone.
My intention in documenting and sharing my abortion is to demystify the sensationalist images propagated by the religious and political right on this matter. The use of lifeless fetus photographs are a propaganda tool in the anti-choice/pro-choice debate in which women and their bodies are used as pawns to push a cultural, political, and religious agenda in the United States.
At 6 weeks of pregnancy, my abortion looked very different than the images I saw when I entered the clinic that day.
This is my abortion.
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Should you feel moved to write me personally, please do so at jane@thisismyabortion.com.
This is a Creative Commons project take it, use it, share it.

Gormy Cuss
(30,884 posts)They also don't care about the truth that most abortions are early and occur in the gestation range when miscarriage is common (IOW, when the body spontaneously aborts.)
All they care about is controlling women.
(14,337 posts)and show images of fetuses of later gestational ages which they try to say are only 5 or 6 weeks. I had both an ectopic and miscarriage at that stage. That miscarriage, which I wasn't even sure of until a doctor visit, looked like nothing more than a very heavy period. Why would an abortion at that same gestational age look any different?
I saw the sonogram of my ectopic (rupture). The christian hospital did not believe my doctor that is was ectopic and didn't want to even give me a sonogram. "We will give you something to stop the bleeding". When they did (24 hours later) the sonogram, they didn't want me to see it. I got up and DEMANDED they show it to me. Why? Because I had heard so much crap from them, that I wanted to see for myself. No, it looked nothing at all like those pictures they show of perfectly formed, large, later development fetuses. Actually, it was pretty gross looking.
No, I am not surprised at the pictures in this post at all.
Edit: I love it that she used her cell phone to take a pix! Dispel all their propaganda.