Related: About this forumquestion:
Aren't sexist comments, by their very nature, Offensive to Both Genders?

(138,720 posts)but we are probably more aware and sensitive, of course.
(14,860 posts)In practice, they aren't.
BTW: There are more than two genders.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)laconicsax
(14,860 posts)Juries get it wrong...a lot.
Almost every one of my alerts on blatantly racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, way over-the-top rude personal attacks, or blatant newbie trolling get rejected by juries as frivolous. Often, jurors will explicitly agree with the alert but vote to leave anyway. One of my favorites was when I alerted on a racist post that went 3-3. One of the "leave it" jurors agreed that the post was racist but didn't think it was offensive enough to hide.
I've just started viewing the alert as a symbolic gesture.
(29,047 posts)sadge-virgo
(15 posts)think too much.
Seriously, this is way whack. You must chill. We are not our Earth shells. We are not vaginas. We are not melanin content. I am that I am...
Response to sadge-virgo (Reply #6)
Tuesday Afternoon This message was self-deleted by its author.
(27,670 posts)is gone.
When you tell someone they think too much, it usually means you don't think much.
(10,039 posts)Good grief.
mister roboto
(11 posts)Rex
(65,616 posts)
I would have put "think enough."
In any case, ooooo....pasting that tombstone obviously means something to you. What, I haven't a clue. It only reflects on your need to create an artificial environment where everyone agrees with your ideas. Sorry, dearie--no such place.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)stevenleser
(32,886 posts)Buh-bye.
Don't go away mad, just go away.