Mind-reading robot links with partial quadriplegic, takes orders (LATimes)
By Deborah Netburn
April 24, 2012, 2:15 p.m.
Mind-reading robots? It's not as scary as it sounds.
Researchers in Switzerland are developing a robot that can respond to human thoughts, and may one day help immobile people better interact with the external world.
On Tuesday, scientists from Switzerland's Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne marked a milestone in this research, when they demonstrated that a partially paralyzed man could control the movements of a 1-foot-tall robot from more than 62 miles away, the Associated Press reported.
The human guinea pig was Mark-Andre Duc, a hospital-bound Swiss man who has lost control of his fingers and legs and is considered partially quadriplegic.
The robot was a foot tall little guy equipped with a camera and monitor -- making it look like a rolling laptop with Duc's face displayed on the screen.
more: http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-tn-mind-reading-robots-20120424,0,2828415.story