Related: About this forumSharing some odd and evolving symptoms in my noggin that started early October - seeking input
First - I did have COVID, in January - mild symptoms, took Paxlovid, seeming no issues.
Second - I've had a hearing aid for years in my left, and got one in my right ear mid year. I do have tinnitus a bit, and those symptoms do seem to change at times from the high pitched noise to a booming sound like someone is playing a melody on bass guitar.
OK - so in October I noticed I had occasional feelings of bursts of mild vibrations in my head - from Googling around, seem like brain zaps. These typically impact people coming off certain medications, but for me, I've not made any changes. Added to those are a very hard to describe feeling - like an occasional "whoosh" or feeling of a balloon gently popping, or feeling of a mild current of electricity - just for a second. At times, these two feelings either woke me, or prevented me from sleeping (I am not typically an anxious person, but of course these effects probably raised my anxiety).
I went to the my general practitioner doc - he put in a referral for an MRI and checkups with ENT and Neuro. The MRI came back totally clean (THAT was a great relief). Doc checked the sound of my blood vessels going into my head - OK there. I will see the Neuro and ENT both in a few weeks.
I am 67 and essentially healthy - physically active and take just a few meds (synthroid, zetia for cholesterol, metaprolol for occasional PVCs - low dose - and Xyzal for hayfever)
BUT - wondering if any one has ever had these brain zaps, or vibrations, or the electric current feeling. The symptoms went away mostly, now the vibrations are back - they can often last some minutes. The doc and I both batted around the possibility of an unusual effect of long COVID.
Thoughts, folks? Thanks!

(49,131 posts)See if any of that matches your experience. I don't even know what a brain zap or the electric current feels like, so I can't relate.
(89 posts)Could also be stress related. I have it during stressful times. Used to be constant when I was fishing.