Related: About this forumMy God Dentures! $37,000!!!!!
Supposedly my United Medicare will cover some of this but I have to put up the whole amount initially.
I could pay a lot less but I am almost positive I could not deal with dentures that you can take out because I have had bridgeens and ended up not using them because I just couldn't stand it.
After I had a root canal, (totally useless now since it has to come out too - $2,000) 4 days later a 3 cap bridge on the top came loose and when I went to the dentist he told me I had another cavity under it (It is only about 4 years old) and a cavity next to it and my bones blah blah blah and I need dentures. I've always had problems with my teeth and I think, among other things it has to do with all the medication I have taken for bipolar that has caused dry mouth.
Anyway a couple days after that a cap on the other side of my front teeth fell off and then my front teeth caps are just crumbling. I'm wearing a mask most places now because of how horrible it all looks. I'm sill wondering if that root canal where they used some "Wave" technology didn't loosen the caps.
It is all kind of terrifying and plus I have bad TMJ from an accident years ago that acts up every time I go to the dentist. I am really kind of freaked out about everything right now. The dentist said that, because I am opting to go under anesthesia when they pull I won't tense up and it should be much easier on my jaw
I feel bad now for people who have missing teeth in the front who cannot afford to have them fixed. I am very lucky that I can have this done - even though it feels like a horror show.
(I also have to call the bank to tell them I am going to put a BIG purchase on my credit card as I can see it not going through) goes on.

(15,547 posts)The price is a shock, isn't it? I'm looking at 25k to 32k for TMJ restorative dental work I'm still trying to decide to move forward on.
I worry every day.
(23,213 posts)and wear a night guard when it get really bad. It can be horrible and cause headaches behind my ears.
Is that what it is like for you and how did you get it?
(I learned some other helps if you are interested)
(15,547 posts)And jaw clenching. I need my back teeth to meet. Long story with details. I have jaw piping and ear ringing. No pain I can notice. Very angry about the whole thing
(23,213 posts)popping?" I have that also. Sometimes it cracks just from me talking. Wearing these new mouth guards helps a lot. I don't know who designed them but they are great - not tight.
(15,547 posts)To put my jaw back into position. I'm debating just using them and not getting the work. I don't know what to do. Its causing me a lotof depression
(23,213 posts)surgery? I am finding that the new guards are helping me a lot. I didn't realize how much I clench my teeth. Plus there are some videos on Youtube that teach you exercises to do to help.
(15,547 posts)I'm weaning off them. My mistake was telling her the cost, based on her past bossy behavior. That I should find cheaper alternatives like a pillow. She wanted me to co sign a 20k private loan for her 25 yr old daughter. No. She'll tell me my Drs will use my mental illness to scare me into unneeded diagnostic tests to "bleed me dry". She's way too interested in how i spend my money.
(23,213 posts)of how much that would cost.
(15,547 posts)Who keeps telling me I need a cheaper solution. She thinks a new pillow will work. My jaw joint is literally popping out of position. She kept harassing me about the cost of MY dental healthcare. No one understands except my BF. And dentist. My sister spent 50k on her fucked-up teeth, but I'm not her.
(23,213 posts)who treated me stuck their fingers, (with gloves) way back there to massage the muscles. It hurts like a bitch but it actually helped. I also have cups that I bought from Amazon and I've put them around my jaw. I end up with bruises from them but it feels so good I keep doing it.
Those mouth guards help the most just because they stop me from grinding or just tightening, which I realize I do much of the time.
I wish you the best with your treatment. I'm going to look it up in case mine gets worse or some responding to the things I have been doing for it. I know treatment is different for different needs and I am not suggesting you do what I have done. I just want to share it in case it could help someone who sees it.
(15,547 posts)
She just makes me so angry because she's a bossy loser constantly gaslighting me about MY dental problems. Like its her money . BTW, she wanted me to co sign a 20k loan for her. Any 20k is going into my mouth. She's abusive.
I'm telling her my jaw is popping out, and she's screaming that I should have bought a pillow and I'm basically an idiot for even thinking of getting the work done. I regret telling her anything, and I have another relative questioning it.
(23,213 posts)Plus I don't understand how a pillow is going to help you during the day to not clench your jaw.
You are smart and you know or will know what is best for you. Family can be a big pain in the ass.
(3,396 posts)Maraya1969
(23,213 posts)had work done, mostly in Mexico and they are a mess. (Then again some of the stories they tell about work done right here are horror stories) But truthfully I have thought about going somewhere else except I put it off and now it is kind of an emergency.
(10,342 posts)Wishing you as smooth and comfortable an experience as possible!
(17,509 posts)But, I will spare you, except to say. The most important decision you make going forward is choosing the dentist to do the work.
Just from what what you've described, I would research for, in as many ways possible, another highly recommended dentist, and get a second opinion. Best of luck. Let us know how it all works out.
(6,091 posts)I'm in for thousands sent on crowns so far that are failing and to be replaced at 3-4 times the $$$$$
Mercedes teeth in a Kia mouth?
I could have a wonderful long Food/History vacation in Italy instead.
(23,213 posts)refused. So I took him to small claims court and I won! There were a couple other issues, like when I started checking all the charges against the codes I found out that they were consistently charging me more than they were supposed to.
They settled with me so there was no trial.
(6,091 posts)Maraya1969
(23,213 posts)Sky Jewels
(8,895 posts)Kinda freaks me out when I think of it, but, on the other hand, yay science.
(6,091 posts)LakeArenal
(29,941 posts)I dont know the specifics but many people come to Costa Rica for dental care. Apparently its cheaper and can include a great place to recover for a few days.
Just what Ive heard anyway.
Good Luck.
(266 posts)There are a lot of dental clinics in Los Algodones. I have not been there, but I know someone who goes there when he needs dental work done.
(8,433 posts)Maraya1969
(23,213 posts)Something like this:
(8,433 posts)2naSalit
(95,902 posts)I would get a second opinion and possibly a different dentist after that many issues with work done.
Personally, I go to a university clinic where they have a sliding scale fee, state of the art technology and highly skilled personnel. In fact, the last round of intense work I had done, I traveled a six hour drive, one way, just to go there for the work. I have friends in the same town so I was able to handle the lodging and transportation costs. But I had the best of care and consultation, that was a few years back now but I am thankful because the work is the best quality.
I would seek other dental facilitates for, at the very least, for a second opinion and eval. Might save you thou$and$.
(23,213 posts)2naSalit
(95,902 posts)My alma mater in Idaho. ISU. I hope there's something similar in your area if you aren't near here.
Check at universities and colleges near you, they may have similar programs. The one in Idaho started while I was a tech at the distance learning center and I learned about it because I was the AV tech for their class once a week so I know there are other programs out there somewhere. Case Western was involved back then, I was linked up to four other locations around the country. In fact the dentist who did my root canal and other work was a Case Western grad.
A little looking around in that world might help you find better care.
(466 posts)in 2010, and dentist quoted me $2800 to replace it.
I drove to San Diego, crossed the border, and had 6 teeth pulled and a bridge of 7 teeth(Had a missing one prior) installed, 14 yrs later, no regrets. $800. TTL.
My buddy went to Tijuana for removable dentures - Had 9 teeth pulled, fitted for dentures that were delivered that next day, and 3 star hotel for 3 days - $700 TTL.
You can fly to Mexico City, Hire the best dentist in the city, stay in a four-star hotel and have implants installed for less than $5000. Why would you lay out $37k?
(177,382 posts)If there is, they usually have clinics where the students treat you for a lot less money. It's a learning experience for them, and done under supervision, of course. It can be a cost-effective alternative.
(21,432 posts)I spent thousands on dentures, etc. for him during the 44 years we were together.
The problem was multi-faceted.
1. He was from Ireland and when he was growing up there in the 1930s/1940s, the "dentist" was the local bartender! They'd take him there, give him a couple of shots and haul him in the back room and the bartender would pull the bad teeth out.
2. Because of this horrific "care" he never went to a dentist. He was . Who wouldn't be? So, lack of care and plain neglect led to where he ended up when he died at the age of 85 years.
3. He had seven teeth left and I don't know how he managed to eat. His dentures ended up in moldy cups and rarely if ever used.
4. He had genetically bad teeth. No one is his family has good teeth, they all suffer.
If I was you, I think I'd check out the idea of going to Mexico to a dentist. I'd find out all I could about it and see if you can find a referral to a dentist that has a great reputation.
You have my condolences, believe me!
Take care in the meantime and don't let the stress of this nightmare finish you off (easier said than done!).
(1,317 posts)And it's hard for me to understand all the cost involved. Where I live, and the programs available, I had my last three teeth pulled recently, and got a new set of dentures, for a total cost of $0.00. Red states suck. SUCK.
(5,407 posts)A friend went to Aspen dental and they quoted him 50k for upper and lower dentures. Our joke is our cats get better dental care than we do. And the price of the cat treatment just jumped 150%.
Desert grandma
(1,062 posts)One of our policies is through Met Life through my husband's veteran status. They offer a very good $3000 annual maximum policy. Interestingly, they also include a list that includes dentists all over Mexico that they are in network with. It's good to know that we have that option, and I know those dentists must be competent in order to contract with Met Life Dental insurance.