Leaving Neverland
Im surprised its not being discussed here. As a huge Jackson fan since childhood, it was heartbreaking to watch. I remember how happy I was in 2015 that he was acquitted so I beleived in the judicial system. However, I do beleive the two men in this new documentary without reservation. I think it is very important film, not even so much about Jackson but how child grooming works. A must see for any parent. The parents of those two boys (now men) are definately at fault also. How can someone leave 8 year old boy with a grown man to sleep in the same bed?? They allowrd it cause they were showered with money from Jackson including paying off their mortgage.
Anyway, knowing all this and beleiving all this, Im somehow able to separate him as a musician. I never thought of Jackson as an actual person anyway, he was 100% entertainer to me. Also, even if you dont want to hear his music anymore, you cant apply this standard to his songs from childhood era as he was just a child then not a predator.

(108,318 posts)I feel bad for the accusers and any others who may have suffered. I surely don't think Michael Jackson to be innocent of all (or even most) charges. I suppose the value is for the victims to get to tell their stories and be taken seriously. But, I see little value beyond that.
It is a sad chapter and I don't discount that Jackson's own physical and psychological abuse at the hands at his now-dead father is at least an "element" to the story.
Entertainment? NO. I won't watch the R. Kelly or any of a litany of these kinds of "documentary" pieces.
To each his/her own...
And no, I've not destroyed my MJ music. Nor will I. If his accusers want to sue the estate, so be it. The estate already has my money and that of countless millions. That he was horrendously flawed seems apparent. But, he was likewise quite talented. If he were alive, I think he would again(eventually) be held to account, but he is not.
(6,294 posts)cause he essentially killed himself living in fear and probably guilt for the last 15 years of his life. The childhood was stolen from the two men in the documentary and others (Jordy Chandler, Gavin Arvizo, etc.) It was the right thing to do for them to be completely open about it and have this documentary, I bet it is incredibly therpaeutic and healthy things to do. More than anything, the film is educational and will likely become mandated viewing in college psychology programs.
(7,349 posts)So I got to know him in the early 2000's...he was already an incredible choreographer and I find him credible....
I have not watched the documentary and not sure I want to....I fear for McCauley Culkin, his siblings and Elijah Woods and what stories they may be keeping to themselves for the sake of the "King of Pop".....
(9,967 posts)broken homes.
(4,553 posts)about grooming the Moms as well. (and one father)
He almost certainly didn't do that with the famous kids' parents. And he eventually ended up using them as shields against the working class victims.
He truly was a despicable human being. Very cunning.
(14,685 posts)Lived in a castle/zoo with a chimp named Bubbles?
Slept in an oxygen tank?
Had so much plastic surgery his nose almost fell off?
Looked like a cadaver wearing a Captain Crunch costume?
(9,967 posts)having sleepovers with a grown man could be "innocent" and "OK".
I didn't care if he was acquitted or not. It just common sense, people! There is only one reason a man will want to sleep with boys. There is not any innocent justification for that.
It always baffled me that he got away with it.
(20,856 posts)and frankly, we didn't take molestation all that seriously for a long time. Remember Chester the Molester in Hustler? That ran from '76 to '89. Can you imagine anyone finding that funny now? The issue of consent for EVERYONE became important because feminists made it important. It wasn't always that way. Anything other than "violent" sexual assault that caused bodily injury was pretty much laughed off with a wink and a "boys will be boys". For far too many it still is. Look at how Kavanaugh was accepted.
(22,507 posts)Jackson was just awful. The manipulation and control he excercised over these boys and their families was calculated and disturbing. He created dire consequences, real and unreal, for his victims if they told. Their careers, their familys well being, and their sense of self worth became dependent on MJ.
This particular documentary really does a great job at showing an aspect of some abuse rarely discussed. That the abuser tricks the children into thinking its OK and normal, and even gets the abused to go think they love the abuser and defend them. And this can continue for years after the abuse ends. There are people that are abused and take it to the grave with them defending their abuser.
If there was ever a doubt, this film removed them. Michael Jackson was a vile sexual predator and a pedophikr.
(23,295 posts)his children certainly had a weird childhood. I wonder how they are.
(16,600 posts)I woke up in the middle of the night and tried to find Forensic Files. Instead, they were showing Leaving Neverland. I found it fascinating. I incorrectly assumed it would be shown again but when I checked, it's only available by subscription.
So many people have said they won't listen to his music anymore but I am torn on that. I think I agree with you on the earlier stuff.
(9,696 posts)If it comes on the radio while driving, or on streaming at home I change the channel. His music really bothers me now, except the music from the Jackson 5.
I have not seen the HBO special, instead heard an interview with both the men on NPR. They were credible and that interview forever changed on my opinion of MJ. Previously I thought the court trials were about inappropriate behavior by a very damaged and disturbed individual (MJ), but it didn't go farther than that. Easy to believe since he was found not guilty. Now it sickens me.
(16,344 posts)but last week I listened to Oprah's entire podcast interview with the two young men. It was pretty heartwrenching and after listening to them both I believe them 100%. Michael Jackson was one sick person.
(14,964 posts)a phenomenal actor.
2. The level of grooming was shocking. The fact that he groomed the parents as well as the kids, is something I hadn't even thought of.
(6,294 posts)and sophistication of MJ crimes, we are talking about 7y.o. But, yes, I think art is separate from the person.