Thousands petition Netflix to cancel Amazon Prime's Good Omens.

US Christian group condemns Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchetts story as making satanism appear normal but petition wrong company
More than 20,000 Christians have signed a petition calling for the cancellation of Good Omens, the television series adapted from Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaimans 1990 fantasy novel unfortunately addressing their petition to Netflix when the series is made by Amazon Prime.
The six-part series was released last month, starring David Tennant as the demon Crowley and Michael Sheen as the angel Aziraphale, who collaborate to prevent the coming of the antichrist and an imminent apocalypse. Pratchetts last request to Gaiman before he died was that he adapt the novel they wrote together; Gaiman wrote the screenplay andworked as showrunner on the BBC/Amazon co-production, which the Radio Times called a devilishly funny love letter to the book.
But Christians marshalled by the Return to Order campaign, an offshoot of the US Foundation for a Christian Civilisation, disagree. More than 20,000 supporters have signed a petition in which they say that Good Omens is another step to make satanism appear normal, light and acceptable, and mocks Gods wisdom. God, they complain, is voiced by a woman Frances McDormand the antichrist is a normal kid and, most importantly, this type of video makes light of Truth, Error, Good and Evil, and destroys the barriers of horror that society still has for the devil. They are calling on Netflix to cancel the show.
Gaiman responded to the petition on Twitter, writing: I love that they are going to write to Netflix to try and get #GoodOmens cancelled. Says it all really. This is so beautiful ... Promise me you wont tell them?

(2,797 posts)...recommending it ever since. Really clever and very well done. Both Heaven and Hell want Armageddon to come so that they have a final victory, and the Angel and Demon characters like Earth and Humans and really don't see the point. "Barriers of horror?" Give me a break. Simple kindness, and friendship, defeat evil. End of story.
N_E_1 for Tennis
(11,342 posts)Glorfindel
(10,074 posts)
But seriously, folks, it really is great and well worth watching.

(43,049 posts)It would welcome the publicity.
(18,093 posts)And so fitting.
The series is a phenomenal take on the book. I highly recommend both!
(18,148 posts)As American Gods shows it is dropping into mythologies (former faith systems) of other religions.
I am currently listening to some Robert E. Howard short stories and he even has something of this theme in the 20s and 30s. He refers to the white Christian God, but you have to question his sincerity.
(4,033 posts)We have recommended to all our kids and the ones who have watched have loved it as well.
Somehow we need to get these so-called 'Christians' to learn what Christianity is all about. (Hint: It is NOT about making moral decisions for other people!)
(4,318 posts)

(34,502 posts)seen the series yet. I tried but life always interferes (hmmmmmm), lol.
Michael Sheen looks great and I don't care what anyone says, I will watch David Tennant eat cereal. He could sell it I am sure.
I fail to see the point in this petition, apparently they don't get it? Surprise, surprise, surprise.
(2,961 posts)MuseRider
(34,502 posts)except that he is playing the Devil in this series.
I do not know exactly why I am so enamored with him. Dr. Who of course, he is my #2 Doc. Everything else I have seen him in I have liked what he did and I started listening to his podcast now and again, he just seems like a great guy but that is all I know. Maybe he isn't? I think it is just this issue of him being the Devil.
I know he is no fan of Trump.....that could count for some of it along with the religious stupidity here.
(2,961 posts)Last edited Thu Jun 20, 2019, 09:22 PM - Edit history (1)
whatever he is in more interesting. I started watching Good Omens (since Amazon
was so persistent!), and it looks interesting, too, but I've got other series I'm watching first, like Undercover (featuring Sophie Okonedo, one of my favorite actors) and the new season of Line of Duty.
The religious nut cases vote for the anti-Christ (if there ever was/will be one!), and then melt down (they are the original snowflakes, but masters of projection and deflection) about a freakin' TV show! So glad they have their priorities straight.
(5,995 posts)Netflix rescued it after cancellation.
Highly recommend Good Omens unless irony/satire impaired.
(6,330 posts)Maybe Ill try and watch it again because Amazon usually makes some really good shows and I like the actors. Tenant is a great actor. I enjoyed watching him on Dr. Who and Broadchurch but on Good Omens so far has been only bad tv. I have a good idea, how about Amazon make a docu-series about Jerry Falwell Jr. and the Poolboy. Im sure the religious right would love to see that.
Fla Dem
(26,341 posts)But the more I watched, the more I liked it. It's a fun light hearted series where the character portraying "good" on the earth is a bit of a wimpy, softy, while the character portraying "evil" turns out to be cynical, but somewhat of a kind hearted tough guy. I enjoyed how over the centuries, they kept running into one another.
(6,330 posts)was a little slow the first episode but it sure got better, one of the best series I have seen in years.
(34,502 posts)and fun. The authors are known for that as well as just being incredibly good at writing. I had to read a few of Neil Gaimans books over, or parts just to get into the flow of them then they just became delightful. Exception American Gods, I never quite figured out what he was trying to say. Great book, lots of interesting parts and beautifully written but went right over my head apparently.
(11,088 posts)Duppers
(28,289 posts)They could just pray and let God take care of that evil. 😁
get the red out
(13,692 posts)And I love this series, I will love them even more knowing that Christo-Fascists would like to prevent this entertainment from existing.
One of the things that always comes to my mind when religious extremists talk like this is that they have to believe that a Fantasy Novel, movie, or series is based in some kind of reality to get to this place. That just blows my mind!
not fooled
(6,176 posts)this teevee show is a bad influence but dirty donnie destroying "the barriers of horror" that our country had in place to minimize evil acts by the government, e.g. running concentration camps, is god's good plan.
Yeah, right.
Kind of Blue
(8,709 posts)I Love how Gaiman breaks religions down to a lot of made up stuff. He's just genius.
(59 posts)I have no idea how many times I've read it and when I cast the movie/TV version in my head I always pictured David Hyde Pierce as Aziraphale and Denis Leary as Crowley. (Yeah, makes no sense I know but I'm American so I think of American actors.)
You know how when you love a book you really, really hope the video adaptation won't be disappointing? It's not. It's f*cking amazing and I love it as much as the book. GNU, Sir Terry. Neil Gaiman did you proud.
Silver Gaia
(5,023 posts)David Tennant is brilliant. Cracked me up! It's not just witty banter, either (although there's plenty of that and it's great). His facial expressions, and OMG... that walk! The chemistry with Michael Sheen is perfect, too.
This whole thing is ridiculously hilarious. Neil Gaiman's response was perfect. LOL
(34,502 posts)with Michael Sheen as his guest. it is certainly not all about this but they do discuss it. They talk about Neil Gaiman as well. So interesting, thought you might enjoy that if you have not already heard it.
Silver Gaia
(5,023 posts)I'll have to look for that.
(2,054 posts)There were several times I thought Tennant was channeling Bill Nighy! (especially Nighy's rock star character in the film Love Actually) His walk and a few time the way he talked. Mostly in early episodes if I remember right and I didn't notice so much later on. But maybe I got used to it and it became Crowley's natural 'way'. Both Tennant and Sheen were excellent.
(17,601 posts)If the fundies hate it, it must have some good truths in it.
(3,868 posts)Did want us watching Bewitched or The Addams Family at her house because Samantha did magic (which is of the devil) and The Addams Family is on the "dark side"
(46,564 posts)... their brains. What idiots.
(53,410 posts)
(3,433 posts)I've been watching Grimm again and previous for this keep popping up it looks really funny and interesting.
I am really quite sick and tired of the duplicity, ego centrism and arrogance from Bible thumpers. They have some riddles with cognitive dissonance it's no wonder that so many are mentally ill
(34,502 posts)what (if there is anything or any awareness after death) Terry Pratchett is thinking about this? How hard he is laughing? Both at the insanity of the Christians doing this and about the fact that there is awareness after death! That makes me smile.
(18,912 posts)But at least I know what platform its on.
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