Netflix: Stranger Things is back! (Spoilers)
Last edited Sat Jul 13, 2019, 07:15 AM - Edit history (2)
Have been waiting for this one for what seems like forever but today is the day. Just checked and all 8 eps are currently live on
Screw the orange turd, this is the 4th of July we all have wanted.
Previews look awesome too. We have been catching up on season 2 this week, just have the last episode to go tonight before watching the new series.
Also going to add this show has the best soundtrack on TV.

(32,107 posts)Love this show
(10,074 posts)Thanks, Thyla!
Not a bad alternative to the days festivities.
(13,181 posts)No spoilers except to say it does not disappoint!
Fla Dem
(26,341 posts)Last edited Mon Jul 15, 2019, 07:39 PM - Edit history (3)
The whole season felt like the Duffer brothers just mailed the season in this time.
Really didn't like how they handled Sheriff Jim Hopper. The opening scene with him slumped in a chair with a can of beer in one hand and a bag of chips in the other looking as if he was already 3 sheets to the wind, kind of set him up to be a real jerk for most of the series. He was slovenly, rude, crude and quick to anger. I don't recall him being that way at all during the 1st 2 seasons. While never a role model for cop of the year, he at least seem to care about his appearance and had an air of authority and responsibility about him. Season 3 he was more like a "bumbling has been" until he sacrificed himself at the end.
As far as the overall plot line goes.....I guess we're to assume the Russians somehow (?) found out there was a portal to this other dimension (upside down world) in Hawkins' and they wanted to open this portal to do what? Dominate the world? In any event, in less than a year, they not only built a laboratory multi levels underground, loaded it with all types of scientific equipment, a big weapon, Russian soldiers and scientists, but also built a huge shopping center to disguise said laboratory. And nobody saw a thing?
Meanwhile, I guess we have to assume the team never defeated the "Mind Flayer" last season and its been hiding out just waiting for a chance to attack. Or....the monster escaped from the "upside down world" and begins attracting humans and rats into an old mill, where they are either turned into zombies or gelatinous blobs that explode and are absorbed into the monster. This was never explained. But how did the monster escape from the "upside down world". The Russians hadn't yet opened the portal. What triggered the "upside down world"?
Then there were storylines that just seem weak.
The hospital was attacked and it appeared anyone that was there at the time was killed, and yet no one reported it to the police?
People went on their merry way to the fair even though we were shown that many people had been compromised by the monster from the "upside down world". No one missed all these people?
At what point should state and local police been swarming all over the place?
Finally, maybe I'm a prude but I don't recall so much crude language in the 1st 2 seasons. These kids are what 8th-9th graders? Was cussing in every other sentence for effect? It just seemed forced to me. Are young kids watching this series? I hope not.
I know this is just a fantasy show, but I really felt the plot line was just thrown together at a Duffer family Saturday barbecue.
But guess I'm in the minority, it got an 8.9 rating on IMDB and this is Rotten Tomatoes review.
(791 posts)We can't all be the same I guess.
The only thing I take slight issue is with what you say here...
Finally, maybe I'm a prude but I don't recall so much crude language in the 1st 2 seasons. These kids are what 8th-9th graders? Was using the F word in every other sentence for effect? It just seemed forced to me. Are young kids watching this series? I hope not. Guess shows aren't rated on paid services.
The F word was only used once in the entire season and yes that was the first usage of it in the series. It was implied on 2 other occasions but never fully said or heard so I do think you are being disingenuous a bit here with the 'every other sentence' remark.
The swearing did come into the the show in season 2 and caused quite a stir at the time but I don't feel the levels of it in 2 or 3 were overtly inappropriate. But that is me, I do understand others feel different about it.
It should also be said that the show has a PG-13 rating in the US and the level of profanity, violence, gore used in the show fully sits within the regulated guidelines.
In the UK and Australia guidelines are stricter and the show is rated 15+ so between the US rating guide and those elsewhere you get a good enough idea of just how appropriate it is for young viewers. IE it's not appropriate for pre-teen kids and parents are fully warned beforehand by the ratings given.
I wouldn't let my kids watch it, but they are too young. It's not a show for young kids at all.
Fla Dem
(26,341 posts)Felt like it was over used.
Again just seemed like lazy writing.
I did find this on IMDB. Clearly a more aggressive use of crude language in season 3 than seasons 1 & 2. Maybe the Duffers were just trying to convey their idea of how kids change as they grow up. Guess I haven't been around enough kids that age who use that type of language. And yes I know when boys get together they try to outdo each other in the "I'm cool", category or whatever the phrase is today. I'm just disappointed to see screenwriters use that trick to appeal to an audience.
One character's phrase of choice is "son of a b____", and it is uttered many times in both seasons by the character, the S-word is said rarely in season 1 but in season 2 it comes a little more frequent but nothing too serious, sometimes (throughout both seasons) a character might say the S-word multiple times in a row (no more than 7 in a row), ONCE Dustin said the S-word 4 times, then it sounds like he's saying it more but you can't really hear it cause he's far from the camera, I'd go 13+ show.
In season 3, there is a total of 73 uses of sh*t, 12 uses of godd*mn, 19 or so uses of a**/a**hole/a**kisser etc., 4 uses of p*ss and bastard, 1 use of f*ck, 5 uses of d*ck/d*ckhead/d*cksucker etc., 13 uses of b*tch, and 7 uses of son-of-a-b*tch along with over 30 uses of other milder swears throughout the season. Sh*t is rarely uses aggressively, unlike the single use of f*ck which is used in a very angry matter. "I'll f*cking gut you!"
As you said we can't all be the same. I liked Season 1 & 2. I my opinion Season 3 fell short in many areas and as I said I'm obviously in the minority.

(32,107 posts)of Seasons 1 and 2. It was so bad that I found myself thinking "I don't believe they'd do something so cliche and obvious." Totally agree with your plot holes too.
Maybe this might have been a better story line for Season Four -- let the time line develop more naturally. Odd that the Duffers are so influenced by 80's culture but didn't work a "Back to the Future" concept into the story other than have it be just another prop. Maybe they could have created a cool time travel story with Eleven and the gang -- a future where everything is different, perhaps.
So much talent, wasted. A blown opportunity.
(8,090 posts)They were hilarious and Steve turned out to be a pretty good guy. Billy managed to become a sympathetic character and the hot lifeguard scenes brought back fond memories of the suburban pool I went to in the '70s and '80s. I also liked the relationship between eccentric Murray and Alexei/Smirnoff who liked cherry Slurpees and Woody Woodpecker. I guess that's what worked most for me this season -- the interpersonal relationships and humor. In spite of exploding rats and fleshy goo, the show manages a sweetness. It never feels mean-spirited and I guess in the age of Trump, I need that.
I did find Hopper over-the-top loud and reactionary, but his letter at the end was beautiful. And they did go a bit overboard with the profanity. I'm not offended by it -- it just loses it's impact when overused.