Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumI'm honestly going to have a mental breakdown this morning
I can't stand this shit anymore. I can't stand the hate towards people like me I can't fucking take it anymore and I have to come on here and get it here too. fucking nobody cares fucking no one. Trans people don't fucking matter no matter what the fuck we try to fucking do to make our community better. Nobody gives a shit about us and people are totally fucking fine with letting us get genocided off this Earth.
Whatever I'm fucking done I can't do this shit anymore I can't.

(38,613 posts)But I understand how the constant hatred can wear a person down. Please take care of yourself
(3,668 posts)My heart goes out to you and sends you love and the strength to stay and continue to fight for what is right. Love, hugs and more love to you. 💗💗🙏
(34,770 posts)Deuxcents
(21,256 posts)Its not comforting saying all these things will work out b/c if they ever do, itll take longer than anyone wants. What I can say is you are who you are..there is no one like you..not before or after you. Im hoping you will realize how unique all of us are. Race, gender,able, disabled..we all come in different packages. The intolerance for others is the fight of our lifetimes. If you give up, they win. Dont ever let that happen. Valentines is over but Im sending you a heart to say I care. ❤️
Ocelot II
(123,538 posts)If you are getting shit here on DU that's unacceptable and I hope it was dealt with. Please realize that people do care, a lot. Please don't be afraid to come here.
(26,889 posts)They are a loud mouthed minority.
Sending positive vibes, the Buddhists always say, this too will pass. It will pass, we are here for you.
Laffy Kat
(16,572 posts)This is a community and you are loved. Your voice matters and is critically important. This country needs you. Young people especially need you.
(23,213 posts)Most of their behavior is based on fear; they fear that which they don't understand.
I think you are a very nice person and I am really sorry you have to go through this.
(63,527 posts)LoisB
(9,607 posts)You have my respect.
(23,937 posts)Lifeafter70
(465 posts)This is a crisis line for trans people run by trans people. 877 565 8860.
Tho you have many here who support and respect you, that is not enough. I wish I could give you a big hug right now and tell you how much I care. I'm in tears thinking of the pain you are going through that would push you to post this. Please reach out you are important and you contribute to this world.
(2,244 posts)I'm certain that there are suicide help lines and LGBTQ support groups that you could join. You do not have to go through this alone. I wish you peace as you go through this tough time. We do care and understand the pain and anguish that you are experiencing. Please let us know how you are doing and if you have gotten the help that you so desperately need.
Response to vercetti2021 (Original post)
LoisB This message was self-deleted by its author.
(16,379 posts)That's a start. I use DU as a political news aggregator (and it can have some nerve-rattling stories at times) and being a techie, I use Hacker News to get the rest. No TV. I get classical music via apps and web streaming on an old ipod.
I play piano and take photos. Arts totally enrich life.
As for your community, that's tougher. I live in tolerant CA, albeit in a "red" district. I plan to move just because it's too isolated, and my friends are mostly 50 miles away.
See if you can associate with a supportive community. My friends are Nichiren Buddhists, the most accepting of all people (because we respect the Buddhahood inherent in every person, just needing to be recognized and lived in the real world)
Morons project their ignorance. Don't let them get you down. You have infinite potential.
(64,103 posts)You're a valuable part of our community & if others don't see that, fuck 'em!
(64,103 posts)
(475 posts)

(64,103 posts)
(1,996 posts)I have yet to see such a case. Most here are quite sensitive to your plight. I had a post removed because I dared show scientific fact regarding genders and their relative strength as it relates to contact sports. Will someone please tell me how and why that is insensitive.
(355 posts)Take it one step at a time. Don't let the sick, sad and ignorant parasites, drag you down to their level. Get your head up and keep it there.
Evolve Dammit
(20,265 posts)And the entire GOP is good with it or silent. Reminds me of early Nazi Germany.
I'm sorry for your pain. I feel it too. Last 6 years have really sucked, and the real sad thing is, they are happy about all of it. They love to inflict pain on others. I don't know what to do either. Passports are renewed, and guns are oiled. Chili on the stove. Dog is happy unless I yell. Take care please and keep in touch.
(2,729 posts)You matter to all of us here. We care. We need you. Our community needs you. You make the rich tapestry of life even more spectacular.
Even though this is not real Latin, it applies:
Illegitimi non carborundum
(10,252 posts)Illigitimi non carborundum is Latin for "Don't let the bastards get you down."
I'm a Buddhist. We believe that we are all stuck here in "samsara," which is Sanskrit for "suffering." But we can be liberated from suffering by letting go of our attachments to what seems pleasant and our aversions to what seems unpleasant. The operative word here being "seems." No one wants to be unhappy and suffer. Everyone wants to be happy. I guarantee you 1000% that all those dreadful hateful people out there are also miserable and unhappy.
It's not what's "out there" that makes us unhappy, but rather our point of view, what we cultivate in our mind. We can cultivate anger and hatred toward others, or we can cultivate compassion and loving kindness. The challenge for me as a Buddhist is to have compassion for everyone equally -- yes even those dreadful stupid haters, because all of us are trapped here in suffering.
My best advice is to focus on something where you work for the happiness and benefit of others.
(43,446 posts)the ER. You my friend are loved here. I love you and feel for you. Turn off the news--it was making my head explode. Go for a walk. Take a nap. Please, there are people in your life that love you. Do you have a hobby? Work on that. Ease your mind, we are all here for you. I go do the Mental Health Group under topics. It has also helped me. YOU are a survivor, don't give up.
(2,940 posts)Please know that I want to be as supportive as possible. I think many, if not most DUers, feel the way I do. Sending love your way.
(11,999 posts)Yes you absolutely can. Transgenders are the most brave people on the planet as far as I can tell. They get up every day knowing the hatred they'll incite by being who they are, and do it anyway to be true to themselves. That means they (and by they, I mean you) have more strength than I can ever imagine having. Easy for me to say that as a white male that doesn't walk in your shoes, I realize. And I can't imagine the position you might happen to be in only because you're only trying to be your true self. However, you're stronger than you think you are. You've already proved it. You can get through this. And you have allies that understand and empathize. Fuck what "they" say, and fuck what draconian legislation they try to pass. Be proud of who you are and continue to be who you are. It isn't "their" lives to live.
Going to take the opportunity to also legitimize the fact that I'm not going through what you are going through or can even really understand what it's like to have my existence legislated almost out of existence. I own that. I do understand. Not to the extent you do or live through, but it's not out of the realm of understanding. I realize how flippant and maybe ignorant my last paragraph may be to someone from a person who doesn't live through this. THought about deleting it and moving on. But I thought I should let it stand as it is truth. Totally. Just know that some of us do try. And do have your back. And that you aren't alone in your fight.
Sincerely hope that wasn't condescending. Wasn't my intention. PM me and I'll give you my # if you need a shoulder to cry on, someone to yell at, or ya know, just wanna have a conversation.
(5,128 posts)Many good ideas here, don't give up! We need you. All of us do.