Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumBP2, not major depressive disorder
Good evening
I used to post here a lot back before 2012.
I was banned but now DU has thankfully given me a second chance.
Well, in 2018 I was diagnosed with BP2 and received a mood stabilizer as well as an anti-depressant.
It has worked wonders for me!
I am no longer anxious or clinically depressed.
I have spent the last 18 years working in a mental health treatment apartment program for people with severe and persistent mental illness. I have a good deal of recovery experience and look forward to reading and posting in this forum.
Have a great night!

(13,132 posts)
(29,324 posts)all the best!
(122,587 posts)irisblue
(34,770 posts)riverbendviewgal
(4,339 posts)It's good to know you found a treatment to help you. 😀
(6,822 posts)This is a great time to be returning.
(3,723 posts)for you! I know you put a lot of hard work into recovery; medication alone cannot do it all.
(15,547 posts)I suffer severe anxiety what helped you?
Nice to meet you
(29,324 posts)Hello and nice to meet you
First, let me tell you about my "own best thinking" and how I handled anxiety for 30 years. I'm 53 years old now. I had bad anxiety growing up and as a young adult. I found THC at the age of 18 and really liked how it made me feel. I could "zone out" of anxiety with THC, and I did so.
Later, in my twenties, I was diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder and Major Depression. I was Rx'ed Xanax and various anti-depressants, and this combination worked pretty well for me. I was still an anxious and depressed person, but I was able to function and hold down a job. I was also stoned on THC most of the time.
I would journal, exercise, eat right, and do art therapy when I was doing good and this all helped me with my anxiety and depression. I was still very anxious and depressed, but I escaped these feelings most of the time with THC.
I became a foster parent about ten years ago and needed to give up THC and checking out to be a better parent.
Foster parenting and the trauma that the children brought into our lives changed me and almost destroyed our marriage. In 2018 I started in earnest attending marriage counseling, therapy, and Celebrate Recovery.
I turned my life over to Jesus at around the same time that I was diagnosed with BP2. I started taking Vrylar (a mood stabilizer, I was told) along with Prozac.
A short time thereafter, as I was working the 12-step program in celebrate recovery, I prayed that my THC addiction would be lifted from me. It wasn't. However, my depression and anxiety were lifted from me, almost like a true gift from God. I had surrendered my will over to Him, and He, in turn, had essentially cured my depression and anxiety.
I still struggle with anger, lust, laziness, addiction, and gluttony. I am working on my walk with Jesus. By turning my will over to Jesus, by working the celebrate recovery 12-step program, and by taking my BP2 meds I have effectively been able to "cure", for lack of a better word, my anxiety and depression.
I find journaling (I write letters to my sister because she likes to receive mail) and walking (meditational walking) are great tools when I feel down or anxious. Eating right and exercising and getting plenty of sleep also help a great deal.
I credit turning my life over to Jesus and working my recovery as my "cure" for my anxiety and depression. Taking the right meds, and living a healthier life were part of this surrender.
Lastly, I pray that you find relief from your condition XanaDUer2. I am sorry if my life story of surrendering to Christ doesn't help you in some way. I realize that it isn't the answer many people want to hear, and I accept that. That's how I did it. I pray that you find what you are looking for as well.
Thanks in advance for reading this.
(15,547 posts)mdmc
(29,324 posts)Also, I read an article about mindful walking that outlined a habit that has greatly helped me. I'm going to try and find it online and post it here for you.
(29,324 posts)XanaDUer2
(15,547 posts)Not Heidi
(1,496 posts)I received the same diagnosis four years ago from a psychiatrist who proved not to be trustworthy. Subsequent psychiatrists - the one I found that is good (don't have him anymore ) and the one at the PHP* I was in last year (lost him upon discharge; he was great) - have both told me I am not BP2. It's just major depression - like your BP2, well-controlled with meds.
*partial hospitalization program - meet daily at the hospital for four group sessions. Meals, psychiatric care, therapists, materials, etc., all provided (with insurance of course). I was in "program," as it's called, from August to December. Damn, did it help. The ECT that a crappy psychiatrist sent me for did nothing for my mental state but wiped out my memory almost entirely. Some psychiatrists aren't worth the paper their degrees are printed on.
Hell, how did I get off on that rant? Sorry.
Anyway, I'm really glad for you: "I am no longer anxious or clinically depressed." So glad! I celebrate you!