Mental Health Support
Related: About this forumInsomnia - Advice/Ideas needed
Ok...I have been REALLY struggling with Insomnia for about a year. Related to my anxiety - just can't turn my mind off. I take Lexapro, which for years has helped keep my anxiety under control. It's a very low dosage. This past year, not so much. We are working on my dosage. I have a "rescue" script of Xanax for the really bad days, and while if I take it at night, I will sleep, I don't really want to get in the habit of taking it all of the time.
So, my doc and I have worked on a number of things... tried a number of different meds, melatonin, etc. Some stuff will work for a bit, some not at all, but nothing consistently. Exercise has really no impact, other than I will just be more tired while I can't sleep. Even while doing the Insanity series earlier this year. No sleep.
So, anyway, in an effort to try to shut off my brain, I have been trying some meditation for relaxation before bed. First night, really helped. I feel asleep before the app was even done. Some mild success since then.
To add to the insomnia, I have been struggling with cluster headaches for the past 3 weeks. No OTC meds scratch the surface when they are bad. 80% of the time they are more like a bad "normal" headache. Then the remaining 20% of the time they are horrid. Major pounding in the head, sound sensitivity, etc. I've had a shot at the doc and was given Fiorinal to take for 3 days to "stop the cluster cycle". Well, it worked for about 3-4 days, and now they are back.
I still have the Fiorinal, so have taken that a few times at the worst points. That can make me pretty loopy, sometimes sleepy, sometimes just "drugged". I've been trying to function without the fiorinal and using excedrin migraine during the day when needed. Anyway, last night, I take the Fiorinal because the headache was at a very bad level. Then I do my meditation app. I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't move. Like, not at all. I know I was awake, because my dog woke up and was looking at me, and licked my face. I had these episodes happen years ago before the anxiety was diagnosed, and talked to my doc about them. Something about the natural way your body wakes up - body first, mind second...with sleep paralysis, your mind wakes up, and it takes a bit for your body to wake up. It is very freaky.
I know that is a lot of rambling info, and I apologize in advance if it doesn't make a ton of sense...I'm exhausted, but can't sleep, brain is like mushj...I'm just wondering if anyone has any experience with either insomnia or the sleep paralysis. If so, what helps for either?? This sleep paralysis stuff is NOT good for my anxiety. It is very scary. And yes, first thing on Monday I'm calling my doctor for another appointment on the headaches and the not sleeping. Just looking for any ideas or tips I can talk to him about.
The worst part of all of this is this effect lack of sleep has on the anxiety. I really, really, need to break this no sleeping cycle!!!

(3,163 posts)Cluster/migraine attacks can be prevented. I was having migraines at the rate to 4-5 per week and my wife finally persuaded me to see a neurologist. He prescribed several different medications until he found one that would keep them from happening; in my case Topomax, which is an anti-seizure medication. They also use meds for Altzheimers and several others, and have to find the one which works for you. I now have about one per month, and sometimes go for several months with none.
I also have a sleep disorder, and the neurologist helped with that. I recently was diagnosed with Parkinson's Desease, but that's a different matter. It was caught early, since I was seeing a neurologist on a regular basis, so...
Anyway. see a neurologist, soon.
(1,137 posts)And I'm glad you have gotten relief.
I have never had headache problems until now, so never really understood people who had them and how awful the pain is. It is kind of a win/lose proposition to research illnesses on the web because you can convince yourself that you have the worst of all possible diseases, but I did read about the clusters today and one thing was constant, see a neurologist. I will need to get a referral from my primary care, but will ask for that when I go this week.
Again, thanks for replying. And thanks for the insight on what has worked for you. I'm glad your Parkinson's was caught early.
(3,163 posts)I will be checking back on this threadfrom time to time to see how you're doing.
(19,288 posts)I had migrains start from other types of bad headaches. I wonder about seritonin syndrome? You need a specialist. Not sleeping sucks.
(3,992 posts)What has helped me has been a cocktail of red wine, Tylenol PM and aspirin. But I have family members with deeper problems along the narcolepsy spectrum, and they ended up taking GHB when their symptoms were at their worst.
The neurologist, plus a targeted sleep study is going to be your best bet to get the meds that really help you.
Until then, all I can do is express sympathy and compassion. Sleeplessness is the worst, it really opens the gates to the deepest Cantos of mental illness, even in a person who would be totally okay and sane with good sleep. I've been there.
(9,137 posts)Response to 2theleft (Original post)
HereSince1628 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(10,039 posts)Extended release, so it literately knocks me out for the whole night instead of only 4 hours. But, that's probably not a good reason for me to take it. Though, that's essentially what I use it for.
(1,137 posts)zzzzzzzzz I'm glad you're getting some shut eye!!
(1,137 posts)Had another appointment with my primary care doc today. Thorough exam. He said the muscles in my neck, shoulders, etc are super tense and that can be putting pressure on my nervers. On a round of steroids, muscle relaxers at night, and pain meds during the day to stop the pattern. If that doesn't happen by Monday, off to the neurologist I go.
Taken the first dose of muscle relaxers. Feeling them start to kick in. This relaxing feeling that is creeping up on me is kinda feeling nice.
Fingers crossed this nips it in the bud.
You guys are awesome in this forum. Really, really appreciate the ideas, the support, etc!!!
(20,856 posts)I take 150 mg. My problem is falling asleep, not staying asleep. I also take melatonin and magnesium. Magnesium is good for helping your muscles relax. Get a magnesium supplement that is mag citrate, orotate, etc. because they are absorbed better than magnesium oxide. I take this one:
Here's a $10 coupon if you buy $30 products from Vitacost.
Theanine and GABA are also good for relaxation.
(2,338 posts)I have the same "I can't shut my brain down" problems. Seroquel had made a HUGE difference.
(1,554 posts)a melatonin. I've also taken trazadone for sleep. (a low dose)
Hope you get some relief soon.
(1,137 posts)it only worked for a few days. Just got a prescription for ambien. I'm hoping it works. Hesitant to take it with all the other stuff I'm taking at the moment trying to break my headache cycle...muscle relaxers at night and fioricet during the day. I'm looking forward to trying it after that cycle is over though! Glad to hear some good feedback on it.
(72,174 posts)counting backwards from 1,000 helps me. breathing slowly and deeply while i do so makes it work much better.
i took ambien for a long time, and i love, love loved it. but i think because i do always have a couple drinks at night i ended up with a pretty serious depression from it. if you don't drink, tho, it is heaven.
(1,137 posts)used to work for me. Then I get sidetracked on adding numbers or subtracting numbers, or a number will remind me of something else that I "need" to worry about. It definitely all depends on where my anxiety levels are as to how difficult it is.
Last week I downloaded two meditation apps for my iphone. I have been listening to them this week while I drift off. Allows me to force myself to focus on their voices. I still have that focus problem like I do with counting, but not as bad. Might be because of the meds I'm taking for the headaches at the moment are also calming my mind down some. I drink, but not every day, so hopefully the ambien will help on the nights that I don't along with my "meditation"...not sure that I am truly meditating, but forcing my mind to focus and not wander seems to be helping. I have been getting about 5 hours of sleep each night this week, so that is better than it has been.
I do appreciate the info on ambien/drinking. I will make sure I'm very careful.
I am one of those people that does sleepwalking on Ambien. It's a scary thing, so I had to stop taking it.
(72,174 posts)i still miss it.
(20,856 posts)I've heard that cops have pulled over people DUA - driving under Ambien in their pajamas.
(3,163 posts)I am telling you, dude, what you are dealing with is a problem for a neurologist. I suffered for too long until my wife persuaded me to see one. Wasted time that I could have been feeling better.
GO SEE A NEUROLOGIST. That's what they are for.
(1,137 posts)Was traveling for work. 2nd day, they started up again. I go back to primary doc tomorrow a.m. to get the referral to the neurologist. I had a few weeks of relief and it was heaven. I guess now we will figure out what the long term approach is after the neuro checks me out.
I hope he finds that I really have a brain if they do a scan of some sort. My mind has been seriously slugglish since these things have started back up!
Thanks for checking on me. I'm hopeful I can get to see the neuro in the next few weeks - am out of town AGAIN next week for work, so will do my best to get an appt for the week after.