Related: About this forumWell Patches has had a week since he went to the vet, but he's still not really back to normal.
Hes not doing most of his normal stuff like going in the bedroom and sleeping with me at night. The fleas are pretty much gone, but he still has itches from the bites. I dont know what to do to get him interested again. I dont think he really trusts me or something. Hes eating and jumping into a cardboard box and such. I guess I just have to give him time, any suggestions?

(27,446 posts)Specifically a squeeze treat. I've yet to meet a cat who doesn't LOVE those squeeze treats. I've attracted feral cats to me with those treats.
(38,613 posts)He just doesnt seem very happy and playful like he usually is, although he will chase a string a little bit. Im just kind of depressed about it and I guess he is too.
(27,446 posts)Gryff went though a phase where he isolated himself from me and his siblings. I traced the behavior back to when I gave him a topical flea treatment. I think he just had an adverse reaction.
Just as fast as the behavior started, it ended.
Turned his nose up at the squeeze treat. DH told me hed just given them crunchy treats (which they love) so perhaps he just wasnt hungry. Will try again.
(64,104 posts)Try googling the meds the vet rxd for him & see if behavior changes are common?
(38,613 posts)I was filling the hummingbird feeders and he came up and pried the door open and went outside and worked his claws out on the post. He is also used his litter box and peed on a paper bag. Thats fairly normal except he wont go into the bathroom, I have to put his litter box into the hall. So I guess Ill just give him time. Im probably worrying too much, but cats cant tell you whats wrong with them
(64,104 posts)Well, except the peeing on a paper bag. lol
(38,613 posts)But its OK. I peed on it for you. Hes a big strong cat and its quite a job to pry him off that post on the porch when he wants to claw. Im happy to see it though. I think he just likes being outside.
He's helping you...
He sounds like a real sweetie & no doubt he enjoys being outside.
(8,491 posts)If he had any flea-related anemia, it could take about five days after the flea treatment for his red blood cells/hemoglobin to recover. I hope it's either that or that he's taking a while to get over his trip to the vet and the smell of the topical medicine.
(21,432 posts)Those damned topical meds. killed one of my cats.
It was Cheristin for Cats btw.
Damn you Elanco!
Get well soon Patches!
& recommend.